Easy Choices


Things innocent people don’t say: This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.

Joined March 2014


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    27 Dec 2018

    This time around—especially after Nader in 2000—third party voters own this shit. Thanks for helping to wreck the Supreme Court for a generation. 👍

  2. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    project veritas got a big scoop by finding a random dude talking shit about revolution in a bar, wait till you hear what young people on the right are saying, you can read about it in the El Paso wal mart shooting manifesto

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  3. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Today seems like a good day to remember that Project Veritas: -is a discredited right-wing group run by a protégé of Andrew Breitbart -has received significant funding from the Mercer family and Trump -worked with Erik Prince during the 2016 election ....1/

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  4. 2 hours ago
  5. Jan 13

    Donald Trump gets impeached, Canadians die.

  6. Jan 12
  7. Jan 11
  8. Retweeted
    Jan 11

    Reminder ✔️A Royal Saudi Air Force pilot murdered 3 in a terrorist attack on a FL military base in December ✔️Saudi’s govt murdered a US columnist ✔️15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia ✔️Bin Laden was Saudi Would these new restrictions apply to Saudi Arabia?

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  9. Retweeted
    Jan 11

    Last night on Fox News, President Trump said that Saudi Arabia deposited $1 billion in a bank account in exchange for assistance from the U.S. military. Trump needs to say exactly where this money is and what it’s paying for or admit he was lying.

  10. Jan 11

    Psst... there’s been a quiet case for Derrick Henry as the real MVP all along.

  11. Jan 10
  12. Retweeted

    Matt Gaetz voted yes on Nancy Pelosi’s war powers resolution.

  13. Retweeted
    Jan 9

    Another key point: Today Trump called on "all House Republicans" to vote against the war powers resolution. It's a bad development that Trump has decreed that loyalty to him is now synonymous with giving him absolute, unconstrained warmaking authority:

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  14. Retweeted
    Jan 9

    Yes this creep is who Sarah Sanders is talking about.

  15. Retweeted
    Jan 8

    Who is running against this craven un-American ignorant asshole named Doug Collins? I will max out to you tomorrow. I hope you all join me.

  16. Jan 8
  17. Jan 8
  18. Jan 7
  19. Retweeted
    Jan 7

    If a threat is imminent, killing the guy at the very top of the chain of command won't stop it. If killing the guy at the top of the chain of command will stop it, the threat is not imminent. Killing bin Laden on 9/10 would not have prevented 9/11.

  20. Retweeted
    Jan 6

    going to be thinking about this quote from steve schmidt about lindsey graham for awhile in this rolling stone piece by

  21. Jan 7

    I’m sure Ricky Gervais appreciates being used by hard right clowns like this guy.


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