Girl, 12, is raped by family friend before being thrown to her death down a 330ft mineshaft where her father died years earlier 

  • Suspect Evgeny Bukharin, 40, offered the girl a ride on his snowmobile 
  • He took Viktoria Reymer to his house in the Russian city of Novokuznetsk
  • He then raped her and killed her by throwing her alive down a 330 ft mineshaft, police said

A 12-year-old girl was raped by a family friend who then killed her by throwing her alive down a 330 ft mineshaft, police in Russia said.

Suspect Evgeny Bukharin, 40, offered the girl a ride on his snowmobile when she was waiting at a bus stop on a visit to her adult sister, it is alleged.

But he took Viktoria Reymer, from the Russian city of Novokuznetsk, to his own house, where he sexually attacked her, according to investigators.

'The accused was driving his snowmobile and saw the girl waiting at the bus stop,' said a source in the Investigative Committee, Russian equivalent of the FBI.

Viktoria Reymer was abducted as she was standing at a bus stop, police said

Evgeny Bukharin, 40, has been arrested as a criminal investigation into rape and murder in underway in the city of Novokuznetsk

'He offered to give her a ride to her sister's.

'Since she knew the man, she agreed.

'But the attacker took the victim to his house, where he raped her.

'Then he took the child to the air shaft and threw her into it.'

Little Viktoria died from the fall.

Locals say that the man who police have arrested was a workmate of the girl's late father

Suspect Evgeny Bukharin, 40, offered the girl a ride on his snowmobile

Initially the suspect claimed he had accidentally killed the girl when he hit her with his snowmobile. 

In a panic, he disposed of the body, rather than admit to her mother Olga, who he knew, what had happened, he claimed.

A major operation was requited to lift the body from the shaft, which contained dangerous levels of methane gas.

A major operation was requited to lift her body from the shaft

After Viktoria went missing, posters were placed around the city

Forensic analysis showed 'that the girl was still alive when thrown into the shaft', said law enforcement sources.

She died of 'from injuries to the head, neck and chest', a police spokesman told The Siberian Times.  

Locals say that the man was a workmate of the girl's late father, who had died at an accident at the same colliery.

After she went missing, posters were placed around the city.

The suspect is now in detention as a criminal investigation into rape and murder in underway.


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