Royal rebel Amelia's anti-Trump protest: Duke of Kent's granddaughter posts 'refugees are welcome here' image on Instagram 

  • Granddaughter of Duke of Kent posted pro-refugee picture on Instagram 
  • It said: 'Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here', alongside an illustration of three clenched fists raised in the air
  • Amelia Windsor posted the message on the same day Trump was widely denounced for his immigration ban

The 36th in line to the throne has posted this picture on Instagram backing refugees

She was crowned the most beautiful member of the Royal Family by society bible Tatler, but is 21-year-old Lady Amelia Windsor also the most subversive?

The 36th in line to the throne, right, daughter of the Earl and Countess of St Andrews and granddaughter of the Duke of Kent, has posted this picture on Instagram with the rainbow-coloured words: 'Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here', alongside an illustration of three clenched fists raised in the air. 

'Let the evil in the world be always conquered by the good,' she writes alongside the image.

It is no accident that Amelia posted the message on the same day U.S. President Donald Trump was widely denounced for his immigration ban on citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

More than 1.7 million people in Britain have signed an official petition to rescind Britain's invitation to Trump of a state visit this year.

The royals traditionally refrain from making political statements. But just two weeks ago, Amelia told a magazine that she was intending to make her Instagram account public.

'I love that we can share all the beautiful and meaningful things we see and hear in the world,' she said. 'I find it so inspiring and uplifting.'

The second-year French and Italian student at Edinburgh University is signed to Storm, the model agency that turned Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne into household names. 

Amelia has never been a stickler for convention and once adorned her left shoulder with a temporary tattoo of a tiger.

She marked the Queen's 90th birthday in ostentatiously scruffy style.

As her royal elders quaffed champagne at Windsor Castle to toast Her Majesty, Amelia was photographed in ripped jeans and trainers at a pub in Notting Hill called the Windsor Castle.

It is no accident that Amelia posted the message on the same day U.S. President Donald Trump was widely denounced for his immigration ban


Is this the latest ‘cappuccino hiring’ by James Harding, the BBC’s director of news?

Some sinecures are said to be handed out over a cosy coffee rather than candidates going through an interview process.

The newest recruit to take up work as a BBC broadcaster is David Cameron’s former policy adviser Baroness Cavendish.

‘She’s doing a small number of authored pieces for the Today programme on some topical policy issues,’ says a BBC spokesman.

There was anger last month when she quit the Conservatives just two months after taking her seat in the Lords as a Tory peer.

Cavendish, 48, who was ennobled in Cameron’s resignation honours list, said she had been offered a new job and it was not possible for her to accept it while she represented the Conservative Party. Her job has yet to be divulged.


How keen is Sir Peter Bazalgette to shrug off his responsibilities as chairman of Arts Council England? Summoned to give evidence to the Culture, Media and Sport select committee’s Brexit inquiry on his final day in the job, the man who famously brought Big Brother to the UK, exclaimed: ‘Twelve hours to go!’ 


Who ruled the roost at Chinese New Year? 

Sir David Tang’s China Tang restaurant celebrated the Chinese New Year of the Rooster. The room was full of puffed up chests and red faces, but who was the biggest cockerel of them all?

From left, Harry ‘Bunter’ Worcester, aka the Marquess of Worcester; Duke of Marlborough; Ali Spencer-Churchill, nephew of the 11th Duke of Marlborough; and Jeremy Clarkson 

1. Harry Worcester

Harry ‘Bunter’ Worcester, aka the Marquess of Worcester, is heir to the Duke of Beaufort and a £315 million fortune. Last year, he triggered a costly divorce by ending his near 30-year marriage to Tracy Ward, mother of his three children. The 64-year-old is an aspiring rock star, singing with his band the Listening Device.

2. Duke of Marlborough

The 12th Duke of Marlborough, 61, has always lived life in the fast lane, quite literally given his several charges for dangerous driving. A former addict, his proclivity for forged prescriptions saw him spend time in prison. His concerned father considered disinheriting him from the family’s Blenheim Palace seat. Luckily his behaviour improved with age and he inherited the family seat in 2014.

3. Ali Spencer-Churchill

Nephew of the 11th Duke of Marlborough, Ali Spencer-Churchill was one of society’s most eligible bachelors until he married PR girl Scarlett Strutt last year. In 2009, he set up wealth management company SCM Private with notorious Brexit blocker Gina Miller, but left the venture after less than a year.

4. Jeremy Clarkson

The TV presenter’s membership of the Chipping Norton Set has seen him forge close friendships with socialites such as Jemima Goldsmith and ex-PM David Cameron. The former Top Gear host was relieved from his duties at the BBC for punching a producer.


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