Michael IdatoVerified account


Entertainment editor-at-large and critique de télévision for The Sydney Morning Herald, mithril frequent flyer and minor European royal; midato@smh.com.au

Los Angeles
Joined March 2009

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  1. Four years is a long time.

  2. You couldn't make this up ... both Trump and his son Eric peek at their wives votes. Are ? | 9 News

  3. We knew he was cheap .. but yikes! Trump's election party has a cash bar. | Esquire

  4. The firewall has fallen ... unrestricted access to coverage. It's like Berlin all over again ... | SMH

  5. The silver lining: Trump's lies made fact checking a hot commodity. | CNN

  6. We live in tough times: takes a bite out of the almighty . | SMH

  7. Stewart and Colbert slam Donald Trump in election eve special. | SMH

  8. Trump suing coz a polling station stayed open for more voters. Democracy? Er ... | SMH

  9. Jet-setters, if you're in/visiting , must see , by , a study of water and its beauty. |

  10. Both candidates on their high horses, but Clinton's got bigger applause in the room.

  11. Jesus, someone give the man a tissue.

  12. Really, the sniffles have gone nuclear?!

  13. Trump says he has a winning temperament. Hot on the heels of a rant which comprehensively suggests otherwise ...

  14. Can someone call Sean Hannity, please? Maybe then the ranting will stop ...

  15. "I have a 10 year old son. He has computers." Maybe he hacked the DNC?

  16. Ooooh. Big sniffle there.

  17. Eek. He's dying on birtherism.

  18. is sniffing a lot. I do hope he doesn't have pneumonia.

  19. While I'm thinking of it, , why'd you take Tracey Takes On off? Can you bring it back? Just for an old-time TV critic who loves it?

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