  1. Accounts Alle anzeigen

  2. The evidence is in. must be stopped: not soon, but now; not with half measures, but completely. When a mistake is made, right it.

  3. Remember Project Fear? Well, Hammond just relaunched it - through the back door. The Establishment are STILL not listening.

  4. We are witnessing the economic suicide of Britain. When will MPs tell the truth, is not in our interests and we need to think again?

  5. YouGov poll reveals 68% now support . "Let's go"

  6. As the Statement unravels it's clear that despite Govts best efforts ppl will be worse off & is a major reason why

  7. 🆘‼️🔥 UK: says, there come more political shocks after and election of . via

  8. Hard would cause recession in UK, chief economic adviser at Allianz Mohamed El-Erian tells

  9. I still hear people say , we need to be part of the to reform it ? you cant reform something that doesnt want reforming

  10. Pitiful turn-out to pro- demo outside Parliament: 100, 2 of them Rees-Mogg and Davis. The People Have Spoken?

  11. If in the next few years you and your love ones are waiting longer for diagnosis, treatment and an operation on the NHS. Blame

  12. "The OBR has done its work very seriously and responsibly, but on fundamentally mistaken assumptions." - Jacob Rees Mogg MP

  13. WATCH: "The UK people voted overwhelmingly to leave. This Parliament here is holding it up all they can". ¦

  14. Many countries have had their economies ruined by weak governments pandering to unrealistic popular demands. So it is with

  15. Zahnlücken in britischer Toblerone. Via aus dem Notstandsgebiet London

  16. Die Ratten verlassen das sinkende Schiff

  17. Wenn kommt oder Präsident wird oder abgewählt wird oder... geht die Welt unter!

  18. Der Preis des Nationalismus, Folge 13: kommt teuer (via SZ)

  19. cost: £122 billion • shortfall: £22 billion Alternative plan: • Cancel Brexit • Fix NHS • £100 billion on housing

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