Chrissy Teigen Slams Troll Who Asked Why She Didn't 'Try Naturally' To Conceive


02/02/2017 7:10 AM AEDT | Updated 02/02/2017 7:10 AM AEDT
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C Flanigan via Getty Images

Chrissy Teigen sure knows how to deal with Twitter trolls. 

The model had a biting response after a Florida teacher named Linda Wampler questioned her decision to pursue in vitro fertilization. Wampler tweeted at Teigen, asking, “Did you give it a minute to try naturally or are you avoiding ‘the act?’”

The mom replied, “Hi Linda, thanks for asking, you complete witch. I tried for about 9 years. Anything else, let me know!”

Wampler’s question came in response to a tweet from Teigen addressing something she said on the red carpet at the Producers Guild Awards on Saturday. Speaking with “Entertainment Tonight” about her future baby plans with husband John Legend, she said, “A little boy is next for sure.”

Following a Twitter storm of speculation, Teigen clarified what she meant by her comment. “Since this is coming up again, I said our next baby would be a boy because that is the embryo we have left,” she tweeted. “A boy. So. Yeah.”

She added, “And no, I am not pregnant.”

Chrissy Teigen has been very open about her struggles with fertility. Before welcoming her daughter Luna in April 2016, the model spoke about this issue on an episode of “FABLife.”

Teigen said she was bombarded with questions about whether or not she and Legend were having kids very early on in their marriage. 

“And it’s kind of crazy because I can’t imagine being that nosy to be like, ‘So, when are the kids coming?’” she said in the segment, below. “Because who knows what somebody’s going through? Who knows if somebody’s struggling to have children?”

Opening up about her personal journey, she added, “We would have had kids five, six years ago if it had happened, but my gosh, it’s been a process. We’ve seen fertility doctors. And then once you open up about all those things to other people, you start learning that a lot of other people in your life are seeing these people, and they have this shame about it.”

In conclusion, Teigen said, “So anytime somebody asks me if I’m gonna have kids, I’m like, ‘One day, you’re gonna ask that to the wrong girl who is really struggling, and it’s gonna be really hurtful to them.’”

The solution is simple: Don’t ask someone insensitive questions about their fertility or reproductive choices. They will tell you about it if they want to.

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