
Tim Dick

Tim Dick is a columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald

Pauline Hanson should have ridden the populist tsunami that gave Donald Trump the US presidency. Instead she was blaming ...

Hanson is a hypocrite. But voters are worse

Pauline Hanson's hypocrisy as populist outsider doing a preference deal with the establishment Liberals in WA shows that allegations of hypocrisy mean little, if anything, in politics.

Sunny Pawar provides an astonishing portrayal of Brierley as a young boy.

Lion shows Australia at its best – what happened?

Thank Saroo Brierley for Lion, the movie that should win best film at the Academy Awards today, but likely won't. It's a film far too foreign for the Oscars, but even its nomination is a decent nod to an exceptional tale, a parable for our time.

With long commutes for drivers, boosting the rail network would help produce a real transformation in outer Western Sydney.

The single worst thing about life in Sydney

It's easy to hate Sydney this time of year, all sweaty humidity and traffic. And lots more. But for the single worst thing about the city, the answer is on the calendar.

No stopping her now.  Gladys Berejiklian.

Let cynics not trash Berejiklian

Surely there is no better endorsement for Gladys Berejiklian to become premier of NSW today than having an old cranky windbag declare her unsuitable for the job.

Caught in an expenses scandal, Sussan Ley was forced to stand down.

The scandal that gave me comfort

How reassuring was the Sussan Ley expenses fracas, an underwhelming tizz over a minor infraction. It was as if there are still rules to be obeyed in a world seemingly determined to break all of them.

An aside in Trevor Noah's new memoir prompted Tim Dick to drop off Twitter.

How Trevor Noah turned me into a bookworm again

Hitler was a great friend of mine and, good lord, could that guy dance. Of all the lines in Trevor Noah's new memoir, Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood, that's one of his most arresting.