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John Howard: out of touch then and out of touch now

Pity the political journalist in New Zealand. The last palace coup in the Beehive, Wellington's round government HQ, was in 1997, when one farmer knifed another only for Jenny Shipley to let Jim Bolger stay on a while before taking over as prime minister.

They try to do politics nicely across the Tasman, which is atrocious for news junkies addicted to turmoil, high on the embarrassingly unstable show in Canberra, obsessed by every outlandish post from the man masquerading as the leader of the free world.

Unlike Australia, the latest change in prime minister from John Key to Bill English in December was just the third in 18 years, and the first intra-party handover since Shipley knifed Bolger. And unlike America, Kiwi politics isn't riven by social division.

Progressive Australians may pine for the suave modernity of Canada's Justin Trudeau. They may grieve for the departure of the effortlessly cool Barack Obama.

But they are unlikely to be envious of English, New Zealand's first farmer, a social and fiscal conservative, at least by standards across the ditch, who so far has been predictably dull. English is a prime minister with no need to spell charisma, a former Treasury boffin with an English degree who thrives on low-pulse politics.

Among his only peculiarities are the size of his brood – father of six – and a frank, about-face acknowledgement that he was wrong to vote against marriage equality. "It doesn't erode marriage," he said in his first press conference as leader. "In some ways, it's an affirmation of the concept.


Having been in New Zealand the past few weeks, I thought Australians should be envious of English, just a little. Having lived through the Australian turmoil of the past decade – Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, Abbott, Turnbull, with Abbott still agitating like a broken washer stuck on the long cycle – his steadily dull leadership seems mildly attractive. Perhaps a dull leader is just what Australia needs.

But then Australia's most recent version, John Howard, reappeared last week to dispel any rose tint time had put on his many years as prime minister. His talk in Sydney came with a large dose of conservative delusion, including about immigration.

Howard confirmed his delight at Brexit and claimed the vote had little to do with immigration. It was "a cry for national sovereignty and control of their own affairs," he said, but while he allowed that there was a fear of uncontrolled immigration, "that wasn't in my view a fundamental reason."

Sure, if fundamental now means the opposite of what I thought it did. Immigration was either the first or second most-cited reason for those who voted out. Ipsos-Mori found it was the most-cited issue facing Britain before the vote. Afterwards, a third of Leave voters told conservative pollster Michael Ashcroft controlling immigration was the main reason for leaving the EU.

Howard must know this; he is astute at the politics of immigration, and no stranger to stoking fear of it. Australia's cruel and unnecessary treatment of asylum seekers today owes much to Howard's policies a decade ago.

Similarly, his comments demonstrated that he remains committed to the culture war still waged by his acolytes, those whose current obsession is freedom of speech, those who each time they mention "18C" or the Human Rights Commission make plain that conservative elites are as divorced from the priorities of most Australians as they regularly claim progressives to be.

And Howard is still beating the tired political correctness drum. Take this, on the triumph of Trump. "He did articulate the resentment of many Americans towards the avalanche of political correctness, under which not only Americans are living but Australians are living."

"I can't count the number of times people complain about something but then say, 'but of course I can't say that …'

"I think political correctness has become a problem in Western societies, we've become far too apologetic about our Western identity and anything that's a sense of some kind of defence of cultural traditionalism or national identity is in many ways frowned upon."

Once more into the breach, decrying the black-armband view of history, cheerleading an old Australia of lore, rallying the team for yet another assault on progressive, liberal Australia.

We've heard all this before, ad nauseam, from those with the loudest voices shouting that their loud voices are stifled, forecasting doom from everything from religious dress to soldiers marching in Mardi Gras. Yawn.

Its outlook was epitomised in an image doing the rounds of social media last week, a photograph of a drag queen sitting on a New York subway train next to a woman in a niqab, with the caption: "This is the future that liberals want."

It prompted acres of brilliantly delicious scorn, but I liked most the line from the drag queen in the photo, Gilda Wabbit, who told Buzzfeed: "I won't speak for all liberals, but my goal is for everyone – white, brown, drag queen, soccer mom, cisgender, trans, heterosexual, queer, working class, middle class – to be able to exist as they choose without judgment or fear." Yes, it's earnest, but bring it on.


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