feel less stressed

If you have a to-do list a mile long and feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the day – you may soon end up very stressed and burnt out.

Living in a state of panic and having too much to do is not good for your health. Stress heightens the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which can put a strain on your body over time. In fact, when you have more jobs to do than you can handle it’s quite common that your productivity decreases as you try to juggle multiple deadlines.

So how can you strike some things off your to-do list to free up some time for yourself and reduce stress? Try some of our ideas below.

1. Schedule in time for rest and play

Just like you schedule in meetings and appointments, why not try putting things in your diary such as a 45 minute walk or a block of time to listen to your favourite podcast? This makes it easier to arrange the rest of the week around what you already have on.

2. Set yourself a bedtime

Getting enough proper rest is essential to perform at your best in the day. Give yourself a set time that you will retire to bed each night, and really try your best to stick to it. You will know how many hours of sleep you need each night in order to feel good in the morning, so start with that.

3. Be realistic about what’s possible

So often we say yes to everything, and then feel overwhelmed when there is too much to do. Instead, prioritise your own needs first and make sure you have enough time to do the most important tasks before you take on anything else.

4. Use a diary

If you find it hard to keep track of what you need to do, it might be worth putting pen to paper (or finger to phone!) to make some lists. You can even categorise them into groups such as a to-do list for today (pick up milk), a list of jobs to get done this week (buy a gift for a friend), and another list for future goals (sign up to an art class). It can be very satisfying ticking things off your list, and having it written out gives you a visual sign when you are taking on too much.

5. Switch off from work

If you find yourself checking and responding to emails at home, it can quickly feel as though you are working all the time. Choose to turn off the notifications once you walk in the door and don’t check your emails as soon as you wake up – most things can wait until you get back to the office.

6. Notice the symptoms of stress

If you feel yourself starting to get worried about all of the things you need to do, take a step back. This is the first sign that things are getting out of control, and you will need to pull back on what you are taking on. Don’t let yourself live with feelings of worry or panic – make the changes now to reduce stress in your life.

How do you reduce stress in your life? We would love to hear how you unwind in the comments.

Related links:

5 tips to change the way you deal negative emotions

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