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Lisa Du is director of ReadyTechGo, a service that helps people gain the confidence and skills to embrace modern technology.

Microsoft Word is a great program that is used daily by many users. We have plucked three tips from our bag of goodies and present them to you below! We know (and hope) that these time-saving tricks will put a little smile on your face when you test them out (it did for me). Maybe you can reply and tell us a few tips of your own! We always love passing on tips from our readers.

Use these tips however you like... for efficiency or productivity, for fun or to just plain show off to your friends and family. Ok smarty pants here we go!

Tip number 1

To select an entire paragraph, make three rapid left mouse clicks anywhere in the paragraph. Voila! (combine this with a tip from a few weeks ago, and you can then hold down the SHIFT key and press the F3 key). Your whole paragraph will change to upper case letters.

Tip number 2

To select a whole sentence, click anywhere in a sentence while holding the Ctrl key down. Too easy!

Tip number 3

A tip from one of our keen readers Ian Adair. Ian's tip is another way to change the case while using Microsoft Outlook or Word. Ian even sent us image snippets for this 1 step tip (Thanks Ian)!.

In -text -one (6)

1. If using Microsoft Outlook, once you have typed your sentence click on the "Aa" icon (see image below)

In -text -two (6)

2. If using Microsoft Word, once you have typed your sentence click on the "Aa" icon (see image below)

Go on… give it a try!

Do you have any tips to share? Let us know in the comments below. 
