
Fires that have burned for as long as we can remember

A look at, and a critique of, both Blaumachen and Alain Badiou's theories on riots.

Sic: international journal for communisation

Online archive of Sic, a journal about communisation produced jointly by Endnotes in the UK/US, Blaumachen in Greece, Théorie Communiste in France, Riff-Raff in Sweden, and certain more or less informal theoretical groups in the US (New York and San Francisco) and various individuals in France, Germany and elsewhere.

From Sweden to Turkey: The uneven dynamics of the era of riots

Short text about the current dynamics of what we have called "the era of riots". It was written before the events in Brazil. These events include the 4th of the dynamics in the "era of riots" and ask the question of the stage of the crisis we are in (Brazil and Turkey were the IMF miracles). But of course the analysis of this correlation is not elaborated in this text.

The feral underclass hits the streets: On the English riots and other ordeals

Greek left communists Blaumachen on the 2011 August riots in the UK.

On the Blaumachen presentation for the ‘communismos’ conference: a note on communism as real movement (2011), - Coghnorti


An English translation of a 2011 critique by the Greek communist group Coghnorti of theories presented by the Greek communist group Blaumachen.

Presentation of the Sic journal in Athens


The following text is a presentation made by participants of the Sic journal in Athens

The rise of the (non-)subject - Blaumachen

‘A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of the hooded rioter. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: The British prime minister David Cameron and the General Secretary Aleka Papariga 1, the Italian foreign secretary Roberto Maroni, Adonis 2 and Takis Fotopoulos, Italian COBAS and German police officers.’


  • 1. The General Secretary of the Communist Party of Greece.
  • 2. MP of the far-right party LAOS, now Μinister of Maritime Trade under the Papadimos coalition.

Sic 1.1 - Further remarks


Further remarks and discussion on The Present Moment from Sic 1

Without you, not a single cog turns… - Agents of Chaos

A text written some days after the conflict between the rioters and the stalinists on 20 October (the second day of a 48 hour general strike) in front of the greek parliament .

The era of riots (update)

This is an introduction and update to the text "The transitional phase of crisis: The era of riots" by Greek communist group Blaumachen.