
The transitional phase of the crisis: the era of riots

In December 2010-January 2011 the Arab-African revolt burst, and it turns out that it is going to be the historical catalyst for entering the ‘era of riots’, the transitional stage of this crisis. The reproduction crisis of the proletariat, and thus of capitalism, is defined as an important structural element of this period.

The era of riots has started…

The era of riots has started…

Leaflet circulated on 23 February 2011 in the general strike demonstrations in Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece.

Debate between Blaumachen and Internationalist Perspective

A debate with Internationalist Perspective

We present two texts that constitute a small debate between Blaumachen and two comrades from the journal Internationalist Perspective. Our comrades from IP have written a critique of our main article on the Greek riots of December 2008 that was published in the third issue of Blaumachen. Our response can be found here, just below their text.

The historical production of the revolution of the current period - Blaumachen

The historical production of the revolution of the current period

The historical development of the contradiction between the proletariat and capital under real subsumption has led, today, to the period of crisis of the increasingly, and at an ever accelerated rate, internationalised capital relation. The current form of the capital relation and its crisis have been produced by the restructuring that followed the 1973 crisis.

This is a summary in english of an extended text under the same title originally published in Blaumachen #4 in June 2010.

Let the occupations become time-barricades - Blaumachen

Leaflet distributed in Athens and Thessaloniki during the 2006 student movement, criticizing the various leftist groups and introducing the 'social wage [minimum income]' demand.

2005-06 The rebellion of young proletarians in France - interview

Assembly of an anti-CPE occupation

Three years on, Greek communist group Blaumachen interviews Jeanneneton, a participant in the movement against the labour liberalisation law CPE.

Memories of the Future

Programmatically on “images of the future” emerged during the December uprising in Greece and further perspectives of the proletarian movement. An analisys from the Class War Group (aka Tridni Valka; Czech Republic).

Greece unrest: Like a winter with a thousand Decembers - TPTG/Blaumachen

Reflections on the recent unrest in Greece; "The rise of new organisational forms and contents of struggle is being discussed by all the insurgent elements"...

Introduction to Blaumachen

Article introducing the politics of Greek communist group, Blaumachen.