New Internationalist

Human Rights

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Philippines government must do better

A new report states that human rights abuses are not being dealt with sufficiently. Iris Gonzales explains.

Filed in: Human Rights Philippines

Idle No More and Britain’s colonial present

Chloe Ferguson reports from an East London ‘teach-in’ on the relationship between the Canadian government, First Nation rights and the Crown.

Filed in: Activism Canada Colonialism First Nations Reservations (Canada) Human Rights Indigenous Peoples Politics United Kingdom

Dying for a home in Bangalore

Mari Marcel Thekaekara on the plight of a community made homeless by a slum clearance: the latest casualties in the battle for property.

Filed in: Housing Human Rights India Poverty

Peruvian protesters face increased police brutality

Stephanie Boyd says new laws are a reminder that, in mining zones, foreign corporations get more protection than ordinary civilians.

Filed in: Activism Human Rights Indigenous Peoples Mining Peru

London tar sands protest backs Idle No More

A First Nations activist will join the UK Tar Sands Network as they hand over a petition to the Canadian government.

Filed in: Activism Canada Environment First Nations Reservations (Canada) Human Rights Oil Pollution United Kingdom

‘Grow Heathrow’ could change housing law

A win for the community garden could see private landlords held to account under the European Convention of Human Rights. Michael Pooler reports.

Filed in: Environment Housing Human Rights Law United Kingdom

Which is the world’s worst company?

The Public Eye Awards are back to highlight the companies with the worst record in human rights and the environment. Amy Hall explains why.

Filed in: Activism Corporations Environment Human Rights

Praying for a new dawn after Delhi rape

India is at a crossroads after a young woman’s brutal murder shook the world. Mari Marcel Thekaekara hopes for positive change.

Filed in: Human Rights India South Asia Violence Women

Civil society crackdown in Ethiopia

As Ethiopia joins the UN Human Rights Council, Laetitia Bader hopes its own rights abuses will be put under the international spotlight.

Filed in: Ethiopia Human Rights

Indigenous organizations to sue Peru over Amazon gas project

David Hill reports on the legal move to protect isolated indigenous peoples at risk of ‘extermination’ by the country’s biggest ever hydrocarbons project.

Filed in: Conservation Human Rights Peru

Foodbanks being used to plug state gap

Stephen Bailey visits an emergency food project which is providing a lifeline to those hit by austerity.

Filed in: Food Human Rights Poverty United Kingdom

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