New Internationalist


Page 7 of 10

Zimbabwe targets international NGOs

Zimbabwe targets NGOs.

Filed in: NGOs Zimbabwe

Upside down - the United Nations at 60

Start with the prevailing disposition of power, trim your principles to fit, and you end up with an organization stood on its head. David Ransom spells out the consequences.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Peace UN

Humane development

It’s possible to make space for a radical project even inside the belly of the beast. Mark Engler tells the story of the Human Development Report.

Filed in: Development (Aid) UN

Saving humanity from hell

It never was the UN’s job to make heaven on earth. Shashi Tharoor defends the organization against misguided missiles.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Peace UN

Taking control in Chiapas

Hugh MacLeod looks at the Zapatista opposition to the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Mexico

Polyp's Big Bad World – August 2004

The world as a game of (American) football.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Economics Trade WTO

Part 3

Filed in: Agriculture Development (Aid) Food Hunger India

  • January 5, 2003
  • 0

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