Birth Options


Birth photos

Birth photos

Birth photos on the rise

New research shows that one in five expectant parents would consider hiring a birth photographer - but do we need photo evidence of one of the most intimate and memorable experiences of our lives?

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Jamie Memis baby Leyla

Despite costs, cord blood rarely used

It can cost thousands of dollars and parents are flocking to do it, but the storage of umbilical cord blood is proving to be a concern after very few families have ever used the full service.

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Pain free labour: fact or fiction?

It’s a question that runs through the mind of every first time mum-to-be – how will I know when I’m in labour? And if you actually ask the question, you’ll usually get the same reply: “Oh, trust me, you’ll know”.

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An elective caesarean saved my sanity

It's a divisive parenting debate that flares up often: natural childbirth versus an elective caesarean. But for me, there was only one option that would help my physical and mental wellbeing intact.

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birth assistant

The delivery room guest list

During labour, a woman’s partner may be very good at giving physical support, but may not feel so confident at the advocacy part - or vice versa. So who will you choose into your delivery suite?

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