Birth Options


Pregnancy, childbirth, labour

Tips for choosing a birth partner

Deciding who is going to support you during the birth of your child is an important decision and one that needs a lot of careful consideration.

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Research says that listening to music throughout pregnancy and labour can have big benefits.

How music can help when you're in labour

Research has shown that listening to music during birth can help reduce pain and decrease anxiety. Mums share their advice on the music that helped them in labour.

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Skin-to-skin contact following birth can have a positive impact on breastfeeding outcomes and cardio-respiratory ...

Making skin-to-skin after caesarean the norm

Despite its benefits, many women who have caesareans don't have skin-to-skin contact following the births of their babies - but there are ways to help increase your chances of it happening.

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Suzette Meade

Are private hospitals worse for babies?

Babies born in private hospitals to healthy mothers are significantly more likely to experience trauma and medical problems immediately after birth, a landmark study has found.

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Pressured and threatened: Rinat Dray is suing her doctors and hospital for malpractice.

Mum sues over forced c-section delivery

After two caesareans, Rinat Dray wanted to give birth naturally. The mum of three is now suing the hospital that she says forced her into a caesarean against her will.

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home birth

Push for more home births in the UK

New guidelines suggest that women who are pregnant with their second or subsequent children should be encouraged to give birth at home, as long as they aren't considered medium or high risk - but a lot needs to change before that can happen.

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water birth

Why I loved my third home water birth

After two water births at home, I was determined to give birth to my son the same way. I just hoped this birth would be quicker than my last two.

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