Chinese Zodiac Predictions: Who's Going To Have A Crappy Year

28/01/2017 4:15 AM AEDT | Updated 28/01/2017 4:15 AM AEDT
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January 28, 2017 is the start of the Chinese (or Lunar) New Year. This year marks the Year of the Fire Rooster. People with this zodiac sign are considered trustworthy and responsible, with a strong sense of timekeeping.

According to ancient Chinese astrology, when the year of your zodiac is repeated it is generally a bad year for celebrants, but roosters aren't the only sign set to struggle in 2017.

In the video above, we look at three signs that are likely to struggle in the Year of the Rooster.

For Roosters dreading the new year there are ways to counteract misfortune. China Highlights notes it is customary to wear red, face right and sport jade accessories during your zodiac year. Everyone else will just have to be a little more careful in the new year.

What does it mean to be born in the year of the Rooster? Check out the slideshow below to find out.

Horoscope For The Year Of The Fire Rooster

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