Baby names inspired by 'Empire' growing in popularity
Baby names inspired by characters on the Fox drama about a New York hip-hop mogul and his family are growing in popularity.
Finding the right baby name doesn't need to be fraught with anguish and worry. Essential Baby has thousands of baby name ideas for you to choose the perfect baby girl name or baby boy name.
Here, we have created some lists of names under popular categories. Browse through to find a name you love.
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Talk to others and use the forum as a sounding board with baby names on our baby names forums. There are lots of naming fanatics ready to help with name ideas, sibsets and to warn you off no-go names in the baby name forum.
Baby names inspired by characters on the Fox drama about a New York hip-hop mogul and his family are growing in popularity.
It's all fun and games until your favourite baby name comes up on the FBI Most Wanted list.
We often hear about baby names that are rocketing up the charts, but what about the names at the opposite end of the trends list?
Of course, some of those were already names, but we would probably say that Kelvin wouldn't have risen in popularity on its own.
It might just the one name that got away, or maybe it's a whole list. Do you have a baby name you need to get over never using?
Giving a baby a mother's maiden name can be a way of balancing out parents' last names.
The numbers have been crunched and the results are in.
According to one parenting site, 2016 will see the rise of some unusual names, with some uncommon old-fashioned monikers thrown into the mix.
Think you know baby names? On top of the latest trends, and know a bit about banned names around the world?
They had just decided on a name they both agreed on, but then the grandparents threw in an offer of $10,000 in exchange for choosing something else.
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