Books to Discover

Reconfigure by Epredator
Released: Oct. 23, 2015

"A short but punchy tale of a techie who gets in too deep."
Epredator (Cont3xt, 2016) tells the story of a young coder who's suddenly able to manipulate reality in this sci-fi novel.Read full book review >

Released: Aug. 24, 2016

"This cautionary tale of buried treasure and murder shows how wrong choices lead to tragic results."
A debut author follows the dictum "Write what you know" by building a historical novel around an Old West myth from his corner of Utah. Read full book review >
Released: March 23, 2016

"A stirring reminder of the horrors of war and a distinctive take on the timelessness of love."
Two teenage girls from different centuries become strangely connected through personal tragedy and the events of World War I in this debut novel. Read full book review >

Released: April 23, 2012

"A stylish reimagining of the psychic mystery genre."
Influence peddling—the telepathic kind—fuels the big city in this hard-boiled but soulful fantasy thriller. Read full book review >
Released: Sept. 8, 2016

"A clever, engaging, and heart-rending tale about a 1907 catastrophe in Appalachia."
A debut historical novel charts the buildup to and aftermath of the worst mining disaster in American history. Read full book review >
Grandson of a Ghost by Scott Depalma

"An often poignant and resonant rumination on the enduring effects of abuse and what it takes to overcome, survive, live, and love again."
Depalma offers a debut novel, based on true events, about navigating life after an abusive childhood. Read full book review >
Released: Aug. 9, 2016

"A fast-paced technology tale with enough international intrigue and luxurious details to rival a James Bond adventure.
In this debut thriller, an engineer investigates a plane crash only to discover a global conspiracy to hack digital satellite television systems that may involve a woman from his past. Read full book review >
Released: Aug. 31, 2016

"A remarkable and gripping account of a boy fleeing a war-torn nation and eventually flourishing in America."
As the rumble of World War II draws closer, a young boy leaves behind his once-comfortable life in Split, Yugoslavia, to embark on a turbulent adventure. Read full book review >
Released: Oct. 6, 2015

"A skilled and witty tale about a boy who would be king that should appeal to children and adults."
A supposedly average boy realizes that he's not so mediocre after all in this debut middle-grade novel. Read full book review >
Kirkus Interview
Clinton Kelly
January 9, 2017

Bestselling author and television host Clinton Kelly’s memoir I Hate Everyone Except You is a candid, deliciously snarky collection of essays about his journey from awkward kid to slightly-less-awkward adult. Clinton Kelly is probably best known for teaching women how to make their butts look smaller. But in I Hate Everyone, Except You, he reveals some heretofore-unknown secrets about himself, like that he’s a finicky connoisseur of 1980s pornography, a disillusioned critic of New Jersey’s premier water parks, and perhaps the world’s least enthused high-school commencement speaker. Whether he’s throwing his baby sister in the air to jumpstart her cheerleading career or heroically rescuing his best friend from death by mud bath, Clinton leaps life’s social hurdles with aplomb. With his signature wit, he shares his unique ability to navigate the stickiest of situations, like deciding whether it’s acceptable to eat chicken wings with a fork on live television (spoiler: it’s not). “A thoroughly light and entertaining memoir,” our critic writes. View video >