Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trudeau Town Hall, Saskatoon Edition;

According to U of S professor Daniel Beland, Trudeau is less popular in this province than most other places in the country.

​"Justin Trudeau faces the most opposition and also a more skeptical public, certainly because the honeymoon is over and the issues facing Trudeau and criticisms facing Trudeau are piling up,"

Hard to understand why.

Having received the above confirmation, I quickly went about making the necessary arrangements needed for a last minute 600km trip. Child care was arranged, as well as chore duty. Even with a possibility of meeting the PM, our animals needs must come first. On top of the regular chaos of the ranch and children, the day of Trudeau's town hall also happened to fall on my birthday. So party plans were called off, and I broke the news to my kids that they would have to save the celebrations for the following day.

I spent a large part of my day brainstorming ideas of possible questions to ask. I threw it out on social media, asking what respectful questions my peers would ask. There were many concerns, and thoughtful questions to go with them.

I was very surprised to see, almost 12 hours later, another email directly from the sole Saskatchewan Liberal MP's office in my inbox...

This evening a speech from Stephen Harper, at The Raisina Dialogue 2017. "The New Normal: Multilateralism with Multipolarity. (h/t Colonialista)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Captured in passing...


#FakeNews: ABC News Admits To Editing Ari Fleischer's Praise Of Trump's Press Secretary To Sound Like Attack

Fukushima residents exposed to far less radiation than thought:

Citizen science usually isn't this personal. In 2011, roughly 65,000 Japanese citizens living near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant started measuring their own radiation exposure in the wake of the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. That's because no one, not even experts, knew how accurate the traditional method of estimating dosage--taking readings from aircraft hundreds of meters above the ground--really was...

The scientists concluded that actual radiation doses were roughly 15% of what the helicopters were measuring, scaled to ground level, they reported last month in the Journal of Radiological Protection. That's four times less radiation than what the Japanese government was previously assuming.

Anti-nuclear activists are reportedly devastated at the results.


They have their social license to keep them warm;

Heavy pollution enveloping much of Europe prompted emergency measures across the continent on Tuesday.

A toxic cocktail of extreme cold, no wind and heavy burning of coal and wood for heating has left many regions shrouded in smog.

h/t dave

Police have charged a Canadian man with assault after he was caught on video at the Edmonton, Alberta, Woman's March punching a camera held by a female conservative reporter who said the camera subsequently hit her in the face.

Jason Dion Bews, 34, is charged with assault and uttering threats, CTV News reported Tuesday.

Sheila Gunn Reid, Alberta bureau chief for Rebel Media, was covering the Saturday march and said she tried to interview Bews, who became indignant -- and soon violent. [...]

Ezra Levant, founder of the Rebel, told Metro News "there's something weird going on at a women's march when a man assaults a woman and the reaction of the assembled marchers is to assist him in scurrying away and to denounce the victim."

h/t Maz2

Today, The Atlantic ran a bizarre piece by Moira Weigel titled, in Orwellian fashion, "How the Ultrasound Pushed the Idea That a Foetus Is a Person." Which is somewhat like saying, "How the Microscope Pushed the Idea That Cells Exist," or "How the Hubble Telescope Pushed the Idea That There Are Stars Outside Our Solar System." [...] But Weigel goes even further, assuring readers that ultrasounds were primarily a form of warfare against women rather than a tool allowing doctors to identify problems with foetal development as early as possible.

Ben Shapiro on abortion and evasion. One of these.

I got home from Portland last night around 11pm. Fun drive. I'm still catching up on work (and hopefully, sleep.) We did all right.


Your tips thread's open for the evening.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I'm going to miss him.

Probably the most outgoing and fun QB to play the game. Definitely one of the best. He never got the break he deserved in Saskatchewan or Hamilton, he did in Calgary and Ottawa and it showed.

Good luck Hank!

In a sharp contrast to the lengthy, drawn-out process used by Barack Obama to block two new oil pipelines, Donald Trump will sign off on approvals for both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines today.

Yesterday, union leaders; today business leaders.

"Walking out of the meeting today, I know I come out with a lot of confidence that the president is very, very serious in making sure the United States economy is going to be strong and have policies -- tax, regulatory or trade -- to drive that," Mark Fields said while he left White House. "That encourages all of us, as CEOs, as we make decisions going forward."

It's no joke that the biggest fear of the Democrats isn't Trump failing, it's Trump succeeding.

"Cliffside concept."

I've seen enough Bond movies to recognize SPECTRE when I see it.

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

New York Times, May 2016 - California Braces for Unending Drought

LA Times, January 2017 - How L.A. went from bone-dry to 216% of normal rainfall in four months

That fresh mountain air. Clears the lungs, focuses the mind, don't you know.

I'm betting there would have been a lot of communities in Alberta that would have begged for a $27k infusion into the local economy more than Banff needed it.

Stop it. Stop movies. Stop Music. Stop Television. Cut the cord.

With signature modesty, the 'protestors' assert some imagined territorial and proprietary claim to a shared space that these self-indulgent shit stains are merely passing through, while deliberately frustrating anyone else's attempt to use the space for its intended purpose. They disregard normal boundaries and behave obnoxiously, selfishly, because it makes them feel important, and powerful.

And yet they imagine themselves as righteous and heroic.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Flooding an already flooded market? Check.
Lessening the value of degrees that are already in circulation? Check.
Not discerning between good degrees like STEM vs. worthless degrees like the liberal arts? Check.
Being another leftist who is utterly clueless about basic economics? Check.

I present to you Governor Gina Raimondo.

Or incredible, or unprecedented, or something.

We've seen citizens from all walks grilling the PM in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces.

This is how Alberta residents have to get access.


The US is out of the TPP. All the lefties who hated it should be cheering President Trump.

I'm thinking that's false optimism.

National security officials were particularly concerned about O-Net, according to a source familiar with the 2015 assessment, because they considered the Hong Kong firm effectively controlled by the Chinese state. A corporate presentation prepared by O-Net in 2015 indicates more than 25 per cent of its shares are owned by a company that is a subsidiary of Chinese state-owned China Electronics Corporation.

Or your Monday morning commute.

Girls getting multiple hotel rooms.
The School of Not Getting Shot by Cops.
Black barber shops.
Not Irish, but sadly a Socialist Scandinavian

and more in Episode #182 of my humble Yankee podcast.

Direct MP3 link here.

Some links and oddments lifted from the comments at my place, including a very strong contender for the title Leftist Wife From Hell, and an equally lovely lady who chants "Love trumps hate," seconds before setting a woman's hair on fire.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Apropos of nothing in particular.

Yesterday, Sheila Gunn Reid was peaceable reporting on the Women's March in Edmonton.

She was violently attacked by a thug who took exception to the fact that she was recording.

Ezra has offered a $1000 reward for the identification of the criminal.

Help us keep violent criminals off our streets.


It isn't like Conservatives didn't try and warn Canadians.

Maybe we're just seeing what happens when a politician who has never suffered for letting his freak fly tries to govern in like manner. (That doesn't explain why he's not getting better advice.) But to me it confirms a vibe I've always gotten from Trudeau and the people in his orbit: they almost religiously believe the various off-the-shelf Liberal Canadian pieties they evince, even if they don't espouse them out loud.

Via Instapundit, I'm a little shocked that the author doesn't realize that everyone in politics; pundits, media, staffers, politicians and especially partisans are all cynics and hypocrites.

So as I watch my friends and thousands of other Americans gather together to protest the inauguration, I find myself a little speechless. It cannot be that all of these people only see evil when it wears the other team's uniform. It cannot be that they are more upset by offensive speech than by a man claiming the right to kill any human being on earth at his whim. These things simply cannot be. And yet it sure looks like they are.

Democrats try to block appointment of Mike Pompeo as CIA head.


January 2017

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Recent Comments

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