Just not ready.


It isn't like Conservatives didn't try and warn Canadians.

Maybe we're just seeing what happens when a politician who has never suffered for letting his freak fly tries to govern in like manner. (That doesn't explain why he's not getting better advice.) But to me it confirms a vibe I've always gotten from Trudeau and the people in his orbit: they almost religiously believe the various off-the-shelf Liberal Canadian pieties they evince, even if they don't espouse them out loud.


As I regularly say in political discussions, that's the best thing about PMSH - he did the job so well and made it look so easy that people were willing to hand the reins over the Liberals again.

Being ready for a change after a long run of good government is like going out and getting in a car crash because you're bored with being healthy and want a change.

Coming soon to a theatre near you.

Trudeau and cabinet gather in Calgary to prepare for the age of Trump and ‘America First’

He will roll his sleeves up real high, and loosen his tie real loose and then. . .

Here in America, and esp. here in CA ... more and more Spanish (Mexalish) is spoken by public officials. It isn't about "communicating" to the people. It is more about "sending a message" that the ILLEGALS have "reconquered" the Western US. That the Mexicans are in charge now. Of course, this is nonsense ... but it plays very, very, well to the leftist elite who HATE American culture and want to see it destroyed. Same thing with Canada's leftist leaders. Evidently, Canada requires a "populist" uprising to kick these leftist elites to the curb. PS ... "populist" is the latest epithet hurled at all you "normal" people who work hard, and just want to get on with it all.

The CPC ads stated that Trudeau was "just not ready...yet", implying that someday he would be. That was not a very well conceived message to send out, but I suppose the CPC is as cluttered with "yes" men as any other political Party.

The uncharismatic guy lost to the sunny ways guy.I don't think,given the last forty years of education we've had emphasizing "rights" and "self", that was too surprising.

We have 39% of the voters,the Liberals have 39% of the voters,and we have to field a candidate that can seduce enough of the remaining voters to win a majority. The current crop of CPC candidates in the current economic climate cannot win, we have to hope for an economic disaster to hit Canada as badly as it did the USA's Rust Belt.

Trudeau's recent explanation on why he spoke French to an English language question in the TH at Sherbrooke was SO typical of the non-answers he has been allowed to get away with his whole career. He isn't ready, he never was and never will be.

Trudeau is,as my Dad used to say,"none too bright", but he has a famous name and most Canadians ARE snowflakes,so they'll worship at his image until they're forced to face the reality of his sophistic thinking.

In some cases,that may be never.

Trudeau: just a S.L.U.T. (Silly Little Urban Tit. Voted for by others of his kind.

Selley and that guy from Sun News are one of the few remaining sane Liberals left. They are NOT progressives, they are '60-70s era Liberals who can be reasoned with at least most of the time.

Trudeau's whole listening tour is bewildering. This would have made sense politically if one immediately after election, much like Trump's 'thank you tour' (not that I condone either), but...now? After a year? I guess it's a response to falling poll numbers, but his numbers are still pretty good. Is he really this insecure? Does he not realize this will probably get less effective each time he does it, and that he should probably keep that powder dry and try something else?

The Agha Khan and 'billionaire luncheons' scandal was so shockingly inept it should give hope to those who want this guy gone. Trudeau is popular because his squeaky clean tone and 'sunny ways' allowed people to delude themselves into thinking that he could take us into Care Bear Land-all the more so with The Orange Trog taking power down South. Chretien was a corrupt bastard and everyone knew it and no one cared because he was perceived as safe and competent while his opponents weren't.

The AK & money meals would bounce right off of the Ontario Liberals several years ago or Chretien's Liberals, but they are poison to the 'Sunny Ways' delusion that is at the heart of Trudeau's power and popularity. When the Ontario 'debt forever' model crashes it might just take Trudeau with it. I am not convinced he'll be around for the next election.

One need look no farther than the City of Toronto to find the reason why Trudeau did so well.

Datum, the Land Transfer Tax in T.O. is $50k. Everywhere else in Ontario it is half that or less. City of Toronto jacked that tax up every year for ages, and the -morons- of Toronto kept voting for it.

Yes, that used to be a pretty good down payment on a house. Yes, that used to be the average profit on a house flip. Yes, a tremendous number of people in T.O. make their -real- living flipping their house every three years, not in their day job at Timmies or whatever.

But see, they all kept voting for it. Nobody said anything. Nobody -ever- complains about the Land Transfer Tax. They tack it on to the price of the house. Goes into the mortgage.

How many flips does it take before a good portion of a house price is pretty much tax?


How long before Greek/Italian rules take over, and everything starts being done under the table? I'd hazard a wild guess that 30% or more of the apartments rentals within the City of Toronto are off the books. Because the TAX implications of a -legal- basement apartment take most of the profit out of it. So people rent the basement out to friends, and keep the money. Because the interest on a million bucks is a lot of money every month, and that two story crack-house downtown costs about a million.

What to do? Tax something you can control from end to end, that nobody can stop buying.

Carbon tax. THEY VOTED FOR IT!!!!!

Somebody tell me how stupid Trudeau is again. He's not stupid. We are.

If socialists want to be thought of as 'Progressive', small c conservatives should expect to be known as 'Normal'.

If I may let me demonstrate with an example and comparison.

A couple of centuries ago this woman borne of blue blood was informed that the great unwashed where starving and had no bread to eat.
The woman reasoned for a moment and told the scribe that perhaps they should do as she did when there was no bread in the cupboard.
They should eat cake instead.

Forward to the present.

Juthtin in response to a grandmother when she pleads that she only has $65 to live on a week after paying her hydro bill is to ponder for a moment as to what his grandparents would do and told her she should stop worrying about such things and spoil her grandchildren instead.
All she need do is tell the house keeper to tend to the household expences and then use that $65 on her grandchildren.

Trudeau is probably in power mainly because of a very poor NDP campaign in 2015. They certainly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by their bizarre display of combining the worst aspects of both alternatives in a very unpopular leader.

I also continue to think that the CPC failed to guard their libertarian flank with their unnecessary and excessive displays of statism. Leave that to the Liberals because anyone who gets out of bed on the morning of election day saying "we must have a strong Canadian state" is automatically destined to vote Liberal, it's just what that sort of person is wired to do.

If one looks at the Libertarian vote results in B.C., one finds that the Conservatives leaked about 5 to 7 per cent of their vote, and they can't afford to do that.

If Kevin O'Leary is the new sliced bread, I hope he catches on that we don't want to be herded around by neo-cons (of whom there are several available examples) and that we want small government that is effective at what it does and stays out of everything else. Harper was a glass half empty on some of those concerns, but I suspect that he was pushed into a somewhat different stance than he might have naturally favoured by that neo-con wing of the party.

That being said, it might be to the advantage of the CPC if the NDP line up behind a more suitable left-leaning leader who might cut off part of the vote transfer from the left to the Liberals.

Dumb Juthtin can perform his carefully orchestrated ACT most of the time and the Media will embrace every second of its nauseating contrivance, but every once in awhile Dumb Juthtin lets the veil slip and the ugliness of Librano culture is unmasked. The Media get upset when this ugly truth is exposed and this is why they tepidly scold Dumb Juthtin for revealing this truth, its not so much a Media "criticism" as it is a Media plea that Dumb Juthtin keep these ugly truths on the down low, just like they do... the trick in the Trudopian con game is to pretend you're not a french language supremacist, just the same as dear old dad, the Media and the Librano hierarchy have been doing for decades. Dumb Juthtin sometimes gets bored with all the pretending he has to do and occasionally lets the mask slip unaware that stepping in front of the facade and "getting his Librano freak on" makes the Medias job of selling whatever the Libranos are offering up that much more difficult. Media message to Dumb Juthtin... stick to your script and stay away from the ugly truth.

I disagree with your assessment of the NDP. I think Layton's 'Orange Wave' was a blip that not even Jesus as the NDP leader could have maintained. Poor Mulcair tried to turn the NDP into a serious force, didn't get rewarded, and is now getting it from the LEAPers. Honestly, I always say Mulcair as the enemy I could respect. I almost wish he were PM instead of Trudeau...but them I remember how terrible the NDP is.

" the CPC failed to guard their libertarian flank"

They didn't 'fail to guard that flank'. They spat on it and told it to go elsewhere. So we did.

They should have stuck with that Trudeau swashbuckling magician ad. It was introduced at an early point and people balked, so I think it was deemed too harsh, when in fact, it was very effective. They should use it next time. Remind people what they voted for.

"Carbon tax. THEY VOTED FOR IT!!!!!"

A simple truism that is the well-deserved salt in the self-inflicted wounds of the two-thirds of the electorate that continually cast their votes for the Liberals, Greens, or NDP. And here in Ontario the same crowd voted for the Green Energy Act that has broken us financially.

And whining, "But they never told us our hydro bills (or fuel oil prices) would rise!!" is to display an ignorance of politics, current events, and history so profound that the whiner immediately forfeits any claim to adulthood.

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