Meet the dog whisperer on water

CHRIS DE ABOITIZ, 54, trains dogs and teaches them how to surf. Beverley Hadgraft finds out why he does it — and how his lessons can be applied to humans.

Best foods to feed your pets

Best foods to feed your pets
THE best foods for your dog (and cat) are not that far from what you’d find in your local health food store.

‘I’m just happy — the happiest I’ve ever been’

‘I’m just happy — the happiest I’ve ever been’
JESSICA Rowe has been dealt her fair share of blows, both at work and at home, but she always manages to come out on top. Rosie King finds out how she does it.

6 ways music can save your life

6 ways music can save your life
From losing weight to doing CPR, tunes can make you healthier. Dilvin Yasa turns an ear to the fascinating world of music therapy.

Life lessons: Learning to walk again

Life lessons: Learning to walk again
Paralympian John Maclean spent 25 years in a wheelchair. Here he explains his recovery and shares his secrets on reaching seemingly unattainable goals.

Halve your risk of dementia by dieting

Halve your risk of dementia by dieting
A NEW eating plan that favours green leafy vegetables and berries over red meat and cheese could halve your risk of dementia. Elli Jacobs reports

Ask Michelle Bridges: Can you spot-reduce fat?

Ask Michelle Bridges: Can you spot-reduce fat?
Don’t let your genes dictate your body fat, Michelle Bridges says

Sneak in more exercise this year

Sneak in more exercise this year
HERE are some covert training tips for your day, whether you’re at home, at work or out and about.

‘Beware the top up’: Eight ways to stop boozing

‘Beware the top up’: Eight ways to stop boozing
IT’S easy to booze during the silly season, but now 2017 has started, here’s eight sure-fire ways to cut back the drinking so you’ll look and feel great.

2017 wellbeing horoscopes

2017 wellbeing horoscopes
WHAT have the stars got in store for your health this year, and what can you do to make the most of your opportunities? By body+soul astrologer Yasmin Boland.

How to burn off alcoholic drinks

How to burn off alcoholic drinks
If you want to enjoy a festive drink, here’s how to burn off those tipples.

How to workout in the TV ad breaks

How to workout in the TV ad breaks
When you meant to go to the gym but watching the cricket happened instead, try this workout.

How our celebrities will spend Christmas

How our celebrities will spend Christmas
THE jolliest day of the year is all about family, prawns and sandy feet for Australia’s famous faces — with their own unique twist. Here’s how our celebrities will be spending Christmas.

How to eat better during party season

How to eat better during party season
Enjoy yourself while avoiding the canape and buffet blowout with these tips.

How to spend less this Christmas

How to spend less this Christmas
Don’t let your finances spiral out of control over the next few weeks, with these expert tips.

5 ways to de-stress Christmas duties

5 ways to de-stress Christmas duties
Does the holiday season leave you more frazzled than festive? Adjust your expectations and priorities with this advice.

Why Christmas is good for you (yes, really)

Why Christmas is good for you (yes, really)
Some of our favourite festive traditions — and even some naughty ones — come with surprising benefits for the body and mind.

5 ways to protect your kids’ eyes

5 ways to protect your kids’ eyes
CHILDREN love tablets and smartphones, but it’s contributing to a spike in short-sightedness, writes Liz Graham.

Ultimate December What’s On guide

Ultimate December What’s On guide
IT’S time to enjoy the summer weather, make a splash and kickstart the Christmas festivities. Here’s your ultimate What’s On in December guide.

How to kickstart your day without any caffeine

How to kickstart your day without any caffeine
IT’S HOW most of us start the day, but chugging coffee isn’t the only way to put a spring in your step. David Smiedt finds out the best chemical-free energy boosters.

7 quirky health tips, for 7 days

7 quirky health tips, for 7 days
Try these easy, bite-sized bits of advice over the next seven days.

Does junk food need the tobacco treatment?

Does junk food need the tobacco treatment?
OBESITY is the leading cause of poor health in this country yet little is being done to make junk food less appealing, affordable or accessible. Should we take a leaf from the anti-tobacco lobby?

‘I was born without the ability to smile’

‘I was born without the ability to smile’
WE’RE told to smile thousands of times throughout our lives, but what if it was physically impossible? Sophie Boffa, 24, explains how she overcame this limitation

How to build a healthy home

How to build a healthy home
AMELIA Hill lived in sealed rooms for years until she decided to build her own low-toxin home. Here she shares her tips.

Diet and exercise target body hang-ups

Diet and exercise target body hang-ups
ROSIE King pushed herself to the limit for six weeks to resculpt her arms. Here’s what happened.

What’s new in sunscreen

What’s new in sunscreen
AUSTRALIA’s sun sense has come a long way in past decades — and the stuff we slap on hasn’t exactly stayed the same, either.

Love the skin you’re in this summer

Love the skin you’re in this summer
READ all our expert fashion and fitness secrets to feel beach-body confident when summer kicks in.

Musical memories bring nursing home smiles

Musical memories bring nursing home smiles
GARY Thorpe has helped thousands of elderly people relive their glory days and improve their cognitive health, all through the power of music.

How to get a ballet butt

How to get a ballet butt
A PRINCIPAL artist with the Australian Ballet demonstrates the most effective moves to tone glutes, as prescribed by the ballet’s medical team.

‘I have lung cancer and I’ve never smoked’

‘I have lung cancer and I’ve never smoked’
MOTHER-OF-TWO Lisa Briggs’s world came crashing down at the age of 32 when pregnancy-related asthma turned out to be stage-four lung cancer.