Our Wellbeing Horoscopes will help you focus in on what you should be doing to stay fit and healthy this year. Picture: iStock
media_cameraOur Wellbeing Horoscopes will help you focus in on what you should be doing to stay fit and healthy this year. Picture: iStock

2017 wellbeing horoscopes: What the stars have in store for you

WHAT have the stars got in store for your health this year, and what can you do to make the most of your opportunities?


March 21 — April 20

media_cameraAries need to push themselves out of their comfort zone. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: Whether you’re currently a couch potato or already quite fit, when it comes to fitness this year, you’re strongly advised to push out of your comfort zone. The rewards you receive when you do this will be truly fulfilling. Forget about having an exercise buddy unless it really works for you.

+ Time for positive change: February will be the month for you to make some kind of restart in your spiritual life. That could mean learning or renewing your meditation practice or even going on some kind of retreat. August is the time for you to make sure you’re having enough fun and that you have some kind of creative outlet. There’s also a restart connected to kids (your own or someone else’s) and if you’re trying to fall pregnant, August and beyond is very promising.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon is on January 28. Wish for what you really want, not for what others think you should want.


April 21 — May 21

media_cameraTaureans can look forward to Jupiter moving through their wellbeing zone this year. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: You have every reason to enjoy taking care of yourself this year, as happy Jupiter moves through your wellbeing zone. Think about what you loved to do as a kid

to exercise and bring some of that back into your life.

+ Time for positive change: Even if you already have a lot of friends, expect more in 2017. It’s a particularly good year for Taureans to widen their social circles, so get out there and meet people. It’s always good to have new mates in your life (not that you have to let go of the old, of course.) Another door opening this year is about home and family. For some it’s a new home and for others it’s a restart with their family, or even an addition to the brood.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon takes place on February 27. It’s a doozy because it’s a new moon eclipse. Just after 3pm, or that evening, make up to 10 wishes. Ask for the things which inspire you.


May 22 — June 22

media_cameraGeminis will find that the more sports they play the happier they’ll be. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: Throughout 2017, the more sports you play, the happier you’ll be. Joining clubs or going it alone, it doesn’t matter. Late April to early June sees you extra competitive.

+ Time for positive change: There are some big career doors opening in 2017. Are you ready to walk through them? Your hard work over the past few years is going to pay off. And you can change the way you express yourself this year, and that will also create opportunities. Geminis are usually great communicators, however lately you may have felt shy or awkward. Aim to become a better listener and speaker in 2017. You’ll find this widens your choices too. There’s also a fresh start available to you when it comes to your siblings.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 takes place on March 28. Wish as soon as you wake up. Make wishes about overcoming fears, or if you have stumbling blocks which are preventing you from achieving your dreams.


June 23 — July 23

media_cameraCancerians have loads of amazing new energy powering into their cash zones. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: The way to health and fitness in 2017 is through routine and discipline. Make a timetable and stick to it. Saturn in your 6th house means this approach will work wonders for you.

+ Time for positive change: If you’d like to manifest more money, ask the heavens for help. You have loads of amazing new energy powering into your cash zones in 2017, opening new financial doors for you. Of course, the thing to remember is that the doors can open but you have to walk through them. So what ideas do you have for improving your cash flow? There are also new opportunities connected to travel, study, publishing and spiritual learning. Any of these are ripe for development.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 takes place on April 26. If you have any long-held wishes related to your finances, this is the day to make them, preferably after 1.15pm.


July 24 — August 23

media_cameraIf you are a Leo develop a better routine. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: Develop sound morning and evening self-care routines and stick to them. Saturn is in your health zone which means the more you commit to looking after yourself, the stronger you’ll be.

+ Time for positive change: Pretty much all the doors are opening up to you this year. You have some amazing energies pouring into your sign, especially around August. But you don’t have to wait until then to make some changes. Sexually and financially, things can be very different in 2017 than they were in the past. And if you want to overhaul your life, 2017 is the year to face the direction in which you want to go. You can also change your image, get a radical makeover or alter the way others see you in more intangible ways.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 is on May 26. Make a wish any time after 8.45pm. Wish for the ability to express your desires, all the better to manifest them. If there’s someone you’d like to talk to again after a period of separation, ask for help with reconnecting.


August 24 — September 23

media_cameraBe wary of the Virgo who is likely not as meek as suspected. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: You’re known as a rather meek and mild sign but right now, the sport which would suit you best is boxing, thanks to the presence of Pluto in your 5th house throughout 2017 and beyond. Anything where you get to be a tad ferocious will work.

+ Time for positive change: Whether you’re single, or happily or miserably attached, 2017 can be a game-changer for you. Do you have a spiritual practice, such as meditation or yoga? If so, you’ll reap great results. If not, start one.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 takes place on June 24. If you have dreams connected to home or to family, make those wishes on this date.


September 24 — October 23

media_cameraLibrans need to be inspired by their regimens. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: You need to do sports, exercises and other health regimens which will inspire you. Anything which leaves you feeling dull just won’t do. Spiritual sports such as tai chi could really work now. This is also a good year to check in with a chiropractor, physiotherapist or osteopath if you have back issues.

+ Time for positive change: Your daily life and the duties and routines you have to manage will be in focus in late February. If you’re not happy with the way things are running, this is the time that any changes will prove most successful. If you’re not living as healthily as you’d like, use the February energies to give yourself a reboot. This will help set the pattern for the rest of the year and beyond. August sees a new day dawning for you and your friends. If you want to expand your social circle, this is a very good time to do it. Expect to be extra popular in 2017 and have a packed social diary.

+ Make a wish: In fact, make a couple. You get not one but two lucky new moons in 2017. The first takes place on July 23 and the second on August 22. Doubling up lucky new moons is amazing, especially since you have lucky Jupiter in Libra too. Make those wishes and enjoy 2017.


October 24 — November 22

media_cameraScorpios need to vary their training to keep up the enthusiasm. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: The issue you’re facing is that it’s very easy to be sporadic when it comes to exercise. Varying your gym and training routines in 2017 is your best bet.

+ Time for positive change: February sees a whole lot of new energy coming into your personal life. It’s time for you to have more fun. Many Scorpios have been acting like workaholics since 2012. It’s time to ease up, but don’t down tools altogether. Rather, you need to find some kind of middle ground. This year boosts your professional achievements. New opportunities opening up to you could take your career to the next level. However, you need light and shade. Take time out to relax so that you can soar to new heights during office hours.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 takes place on September 20. We get so used to hoping for the same old same old, but perhaps you need to update your wish list.


November 23 — December 21

media_cameraSagittarians can look forward to new doors opening in their personal life. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: You need to really work on your self-care in 2017 as you move into the last year of having demanding Saturn in your sign. You’re under stress and the best way to cope is through regular exercise. Simple but true.

+ Time for positive change: There are new doors opening in your personal life this year. Something to do with your family or domestic set up is likely to change. It could be your family is getting larger or you’re moving house or even country. You have a lot of healing energy connected to your loved ones and home life now too. If you can end the year feeling as though your horizons have broadened, you’ll have gotten the best that 2017 has to offer.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 takes place on October 20. It’s a doubly lucky new moon for you since the good fortune planet is in the same part of the skies this year.


December 22 — January 20

media_cameraCapricornians will learn better ways to communicate this year. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: March to June are well-starred for you in terms of motivation to look after your health. Make hay while the planets are shining, so to speak, and sign up to classes, or commit to running or doing whatever floats your wellbeing boat.

+ Time for positive change: One of the wonders for you in 2017 is that you’re going to open your mind to many new ideas. You’ll learn better ways to communicate in your personal and professional life. You’re simply going to think differently in ways that will allow you to take quantum leaps into your future. There’s also a new start connected to cash. If you’re thinking about collaboration, it’s very well-starred. The more you can work with other people financially now, the better.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 takes place on November 18. Make a wish that comes from the bottom of your heart and you might be surprised at the mountains your emotions move.


January 21 — February 19

media_cameraAquarians need to focus on the period between April and July. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: April to July are your peak periods to get in shape this year. Start 2017 strong in terms of looking after yourself and you’ll get a celestial boost that takes your good habits through to the second half of the year.

+ Time for positive change: Expect a major step forwards financially this year. Perhaps you’ll have fewer outgoings draining your account. Maybe you’ll get a pay rise, or come up with some brilliant new way to earn cash. Whatever the case, there’s a lot of powerful energy pouring into your celestial money box this year. Your love life is also up for a restart or renewal. If you and your partner or ex have been at odds, this is the time to begin all over again.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 is on December 18. If you’ve been playing life a little safe lately, ask the heavens for the courage to take a chance in chasing whatever it is you want.


February 20 — March 20

media_cameraPiscean should get moving. Picture: iStock

+ Look after yourself: There’s a lot of pressure on you this year and the best way to deal with it is by moving your body. (And it gets easier soon.)

+ Time for positive change: There’s a new moon eclipse in your sign in late February which means all bets are off — your life can change in some amazing ways. In fact, you could say that all life’s doors are opening up to you in 2017. You just have to choose which ones you want to walk through. This really is a year to cut ties with the past and go in the direction you want your life to head.

+ Make a wish: Your lucky new moon 2017 takes place on February 27. Take the time out to write down your top 10 wishes.

Originally published as 2017 wellbeing horoscopes