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Official Twitter of Monash University. CRICOS number 00008C

Melbourne, Australia
Joined August 2008

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  1. Modern designs that blend with an old city - students win top Swiss competition.

  2. Study finds men tend to underestimate how age can affect their fertility:

  3. 2017 Leadership and Innovation in Health Executive Course via MIHCE and Harvard Macy Institute. Applications open:

  4. Data in -supported study indicates T-cells can 'see' and respond differently to fight different diseases

  5. Prof. Ben Boyd to provide new insights into milk and digestion at for . Visit:

  6. The best way to protect Victoria’s leadership in medicines manufacturing is via investment in world-class &

  7. We're very proud that our own has been named to lead this centre.

  8. Monash to lead the development of a world-class Centre (MMIC) at Parkville:

  9. Dr Kade Roberts to discuss last-resort antibiotics at for . Visit:

  10. Should war atrocities remain only in the pages of history? Monash alumni and Yale Professor Ben Kiernan continues to

    Question the Answers
  11. Are study choices linked to self-esteem? Could it explain why young women shy away from ?

  12. Science is abuzz with how fruit flies could help decipher the development of the human brain.

  13. Create the future you want to live in with our new Master of Environment and Sustainability - 2017 applications open:

  14. ’s potential to transform the way we make and use moves a step closer to reality:

  15. Introducing TALI. Teaching children with learning difficulties improved concentration:

  16. Finding answers to difficult global challenges: Produced by

  17. How government statutes allowing detention centres emerged from a notion of humanitarian protection:

  18. What is the future of the Aus-China HE relationship? speaking at

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