Monash UniversityAkaun disahkan


We’re proud to celebrate 60 years since the first 347 students arrived at Clayton in 1961! CRICOS number 00008C

Melbourne, Australia
Menyertai Ogos 2008
Dilahirkan pada 1961


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  1. Tweet Dipinkan
    21 Jun

    Monash University Health Service (UHS) is now taking appointments for AstraZeneca vaccinations for those eligible to be vaccinated, under the government’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout program. (1/2)

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  2. Mengetweet Semula
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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    21 Jun

    ONE WEEK LEFT till ACM COMPASS 2021‼️ 🗓️28 June - 2 July If you haven’t registered yet, go to to join this year’s virtual conference. We have significantly reduced the registration costs this year - learn more here ⬆ Excited to see you there!👋

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  4. 19 jam lalu

    Choose your adventure! We’re bringing you three different events with a taste of everything has to offer. 💙 💖 💚 Registration is open:

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  5. Mengetweet Semula
    14 Jun

    🔉🌱💦Baseline findings of the in 🇮🇩Makassar have been published in . Shifting the dial to understand the interconnections b/w human health, the built environment & wellbeing From / & RISE consortium

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  6. Mengetweet Semula
    7 Jun

    June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month and are committed to investigating the development of Alzheimer's and other dementias. Join us by visiting or telling a friend about the project!

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  7. 22 Jun

    Loneliness in later life is no easy topic. This approach tells the stories of the most isolated among us in a new way, helping us to better understand and empathise with their experiences:

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  8. 22 Jun

    Most solutions to clean up our oceans are prohibitively expensive. This student-designed device is another story: 🐳

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  9. 22 Jun

    More and more of our communication is bolstered by encryption. Where's the line between privacy and safety? 👀

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  10. 22 Jun

    The Victorian Pride Centre is slated to open this year. 🏳️‍🌈 The building’s been inclusive from the start. Learn the amazing story behind its design:

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  11. 22 Jun

    Monash experts come face-to-face with the good, the bad and the ugly sides of gaming in this mini documentary. Ready, Player One? 🎮

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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    3 Jun

    Exciting times for as it moves closer to welcoming students to Monash Indonesia and the role the will continue to play in strengthening this relationship

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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    10 Jun

    If we keep investing in fundamental research, like the US Government has just announced, Australia will be making breakthrough announcements like this for decades to come. If not......

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  14. 21 Jun

    Green light: Our researchers have found a cleaner, more efficient way to make ammonia fertiliser. 🌱

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  15. 21 Jun

    Malaysians are becoming increasingly health-conscious. 🏃‍♂️ But there’s a difference between getting in shape sustainably and just hopping onto the latest health craze, says a expert:

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  16. 21 Jun

    The British detonated nine nuclear bombs and conducted hundreds of in outback South Australia between 1953 and 1963. The resulting contamination and cover-up continues to haunt us.

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  17. 21 Jun

    Bacteria begone: A “superbug”-fighting antibiotic discovered by Monash researchers has entered clinical trials in the US. 🦠

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  18. 21 Jun

    Hate crime consequences can be far-reaching. Monash researchers explain how racism towards ethnic groups has a ripple effect on the broader community.

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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    9 Jun

    New paper: Fossils reveal that monk seals used to call Australia home in the ancient past! Today, monk seals are one of the most endangered groups of marine mammals, with only 2 species and 2000 individuals left. Thread: 1/4 🎨: Peter Trusler Paper:

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  20. 21 Jun

    To check your eligibility and book your appointment, visit the UHS website: (2/2)

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