Hatred in eastern suburbs

squadron 88

COMMUNAL leaders have condemned an anti-Semitic leaflet that was dropped in letterboxes in Sydney’s eastern suburbs this week.

The leaflet is a product of the group “Squadron 88” who have been responsible for previous anti-Semitic letterbox drops.

Among other charges, it accuses Jews of wielding power over media and politicians and using this influence to spread moral depravity, of having a hatred for Europeans and Western Civilisation, and of transforming “European” areas into third-world slums.

“Despite being a tiny minority … they [Jews] have a surprising, and insidious, influence over what passes for culture in this country and abroad,” it reads.

“The perfidious Jews collectively own most US TV networks, almost all major Hollywood studios and own and operate 97 per cent of all print media and news networks, have an iron grip on politicians, determining which candidates get voted in and which don’t.”

It continues: “The unhealthy values promoted by them are well known, and their media apparatus ruthlessly silences those who stand up to this madness.

“Holding these people to account is our moral duty as a nation and as a people.”

Internet links on the back of the leaflet include the website of infamous neo-Nazi David Duke and a video featuring late American white supremacist William Pierce.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry executive director Peter Wertheim said the leaflet “should be consigned straight to the garbage bin”.

“They are the paranoid fantasies of neo-Nazi simpletons. If they are foolish enough to attempt to act out their fantasies they won’t know what hit them,” he said.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff said: “While it’s concerning that this group of extremists would feel the climate is conducive to recruit members, distributing this crude pamphlet shows why they remain a small, hate-filled fringe group.

“This is a vile document which should be viewed with the contempt it deserves.”

B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission chairman Dvir Abramovich denounced the leaflet “in the strongest possible terms”.

“It is chilling that one of the links is to William Pierce, founder of the National Alliance, one of the biggest and most active neo-Nazi organisations in the world, and author of The Turner Diaries which was a major inspiration for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people,” he said.

“We must all stand as one against insidious groups that are united in their loathing for the Jewish people as well as for the values of diversity and multiculturalism.”

The AJN understands that the Community Security Group has reported the flyer to the police.


The leaflet.