All posts tagged anti-Semitic

squadron 88

Hatred in eastern suburbs

COMMUNAL leaders have condemned an anti-Semitic leaflet that was dropped in letterboxes in Sydney’s eastern suburbs this week.

Assyrian monument graffiti

Genocide monument daubed

RACIST and anti-Semitic graffiti which was sprayed on an Assyrian genocide monument in Western Sydney will only bring our communities together, a senior Assyrian community representative told The AJN.


Hate graffiti on Jewish MP’s poster

ANTI-Semitic graffiti was found last week on an election campaign sign for Jewish Labor MP for Heffron, Ron Hoenig.

School Bus

Shoah lesson for bus offender

ONE of the youths responsible for the anti-Semitic taunts against young Jewish students travelling home from school last August, was this week given a tour of the Sydney Jewish Museum […]

Darren Goodsir

Gaza cartoon breached Press Council standards

MORE stringent approval procedures for cartoons have been introduced at The Sydney Morning Herald, following the publication of a cartoon last year that was described as “clearly anti-Semitic” by the […]


‘Poisonous’ pamphlet condemned

A VEHEMENTLY anti-Semitic leaflet distributed in Sydney’s eastern suburbs on Rosh Hashanah last week has drawn the ire of Jewish communal leaders and politicians.

tafe leaflet

‘Anti-Semitic’ TAFE leaflet pulled

A FORM that was widely circulated at TAFE in Randwick has been scrapped after a member of the Jewish community complained about elements in the literature that displayed what she described as “blatant anti-Semitism”.

sharri markson crop

Markson targeted by anti-Semitic threat

A LEADING Australian journalist has received an anti-Semitic death threat in an anonymous letter.

School Bus

Principal calls for calm after bus attack

STUDENTS that were subjected to anti-Semitic abuse on a school bus last week just want to put the incident behind them. That was the message from Mount Sinai College (MSC) principal Phil Roberts, who spoke to The AJN after a meeting with other principals on Monday.

School Bus

“It wasn’t the bus driver’s fault”

A Jewish bus driver said his colleague had to stop for the six teenagers that abused the Jewish students on Wednesday.