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Warwick Williams
Lives in Perth
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Warwick Williams

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So, given that so much of the driving force of islamic terrorism, violent and brutal wahhabism and general intollerance of everyone who isn't a muslim comes out of Saudi Arabia, could this then be considered ground zero for muslim terrorists?
Truth Hurts™'s profile photoLeonidis78's profile photoIloveDoubleD's profile photoDerek Bayliss's profile photo
and in mecca the kaaba the still kiss slobber over a black rock that in a silver holder shaped
like a vagina
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Warwick Williams

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Something that is frequently lost on leftists. 
Argon's profile photoWarwick Williams's profile photoBill Shaw's profile photo
Haha me too
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Warwick Williams

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Very good point... 
mark mottram's profile photoWarwick Williams's profile photo
Hahaha you really have to be stupid if you think that the picture above are of jews or that me posting this makes me jewish. 
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Warwick Williams

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An interesting read.
A German migration expert warns that Europe is at risk unless it stops resettling migrants, and said its entire approach must be overturned.
Paul Fewings's profile photomark mottram's profile photoWarwick Williams's profile photo
No. As a troll you are fast failing. I'll give you another chance before I block you but given the 1st 2 comments I don't think you're smart enough to even be a troll let alone anything else.
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Warwick Williams

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This is a very interesting video on the difference between the GOP and the Democrats. 
Reality check for Democrats, id just like to remind them of who and what they are , even if they don't know it.
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So, given that so much of the driving force of islamic terrorism, violent and brutal wahhabism and general intollerance of everyone who isn't a muslim comes out of Saudi Arabia, could this then be considered ground zero for muslim terrorists?
Sureissh Raj Suresh's profile photo
One bomb is enough to wipe out evil from earth.
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Warwick Williams

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This is how libtards think they win discussions. They post something that supports their view and then disable comments because a counter view is just too hard to face. #loser
#MerryChristmas FromSusieBear's profile photoBill Shaw's profile photo
It's simple, they don't like truth and facts. 
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Warwick Williams

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Ok, so +Michael o'donnell​​ asked me to post the screen shots from a thread a while back where he basically defends islam, even though hes meant to be an athiest... For the people not in the know the group Reclaim Australia are an anti islam group. Some of the screen shots may not be in sequence.
Michael o'donnell's profile photoJohn Kavanagh's profile photoWarwick Williams's profile photo
Hey look my 3rd troll to date. Follows me and abuses me. Thats a new tallent. Like the 2 before its a pitty you can't understand the meaning of simple english words. I wonder how long you will last before you get bored with concepts you're unable to grasp.
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Warwick Williams

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A very interesting move. I wonder what caused it? Actually I don't. I know what caused them to do this.
John Harvey's profile photo
They banned Islam completely saying it doesn't fit in with there society and faith 
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Warwick Williams

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A humorous take on a very serious problem.
Canadian advertising at its finest.
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Stuck between a career and a hard place
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I can do just about everything to do with the job. Its plumbing not rocket science
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No point in having QBE insure anything! I am disputing a damage claim by an APIA customer mainly because the dent on his metal car is the wrong height, shape and size to have been caused by the undamaged flimsy plastic front on my car. When I investigated why APIA are either sueing me or going to send a debt collector unless I pay them the thousands of dollars the APIA customer has claimed, I found out the incompetent QBE claims staff in the Philippines managed to send the photos and my case to the wrong email address so the assessment team in Australia never responded. Adding to this, instead of advising APIA the matter is still being assessed, APIA were told by the same claims team that I was unable to pay my excess. All this time I was told the matter has been referred to the assessment team and I will be contacted by an assessor soon... 65 days since I lodged the claim and counting. Now I have to contact APIA directly to confirm they have recieved messages because I can not rely on the QBE claims team who speak english as a second language to even get an email address right. Every contact I make with QBE I need to request a call reference number and be copied in on every email. Would you believe it they still managed to stuff that up by not sending me an email and when I checked with APIA right after I got off the phone to QBE about the email I did get copied in on, I found they sent it to the wrong address and had to send my copy to them! What is the point of having them represent me? I should never have changed from Comminsure. Their claims team were in Australia and got the job done because they were trained properly. If I survive this saga I'm going back to them. I'll also be complaining to the financial ombudsman service and possibly seeking legal advice. Not even worth the 1 star minimum google rating.
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