These Avocado Boats Are A Total Game Changer

They're the best excuse for more avocado in your life.

19/01/2017 10:01 PM AEDT | Updated 19/01/2017 10:01 PM AEDT
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Put down your avocado toast everyone, there’s a new dish on the scene and it all happens inside an avocado. Ladies and gentlemen, from the fruit that gave us guacamole, let us introduce the avocado boat. 

Avocado boats might not have the best name, but they are the greatest excuse to eat half of an avocado. (If that’s not incentive enough to give this dish a try, we’re not sure that you love avocados enough to even be here right now.) Sure, nothing will take the place that guacamole has in our hearts, but these boats ― loaded with either taco fillings, baked eggs or even sometimes shrimp ― are a close second.

Watch the video above to see how to make avocado baked eggs for your next breakfast. Then check out all the different ways you can turn avocados into food boats below.

Also on HuffPost
Avocado Toast Recipes

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