

Canberra Cavalry beat Melbourne Aces to claim game three in their ABL series

There was something about Canberra Cavalry outfielder Josh Almonte's breakfast that gave him the feeling he was going to have a good game.

Having already made a name for himself with his spectacular outfielding, Almonte showed what he can do at the plate in the Cavalry's 8-1 win over the Melbourne Aces at Narrabundah Ballpark on Saturday night.

It was their first win of the four-game series against the ladder-leading Aces, as their bats heated up to make it 2-1 in the series.

The Dominican Republic-born Almonte drove in five of the Cavalry's runs and was his usual assured self in the outfield.

Fluent in Spanish, the Toronto Blue Jays prospect moved to New York when he was five, but still visits his country of birth every year.

"For some reason I just felt comfortable today at the plate, not trying to do anything different, but for some reason I felt different," Almonte said.


"Probably what I ate in the morning. I made myself parmesan spaghetti with grilled chicken, I think that's going to be breakfast from now on.

"I've always felt that defence has been my strong side, I don't know why, so usually when I'm out there I'm relaxed.

"I feel like if I was as relaxed in the batter's box I'd be a lot better, but it's just something I feel I'm naturally good at."

Almonte opened the scoring with a sacrifice fly in the bottom of the first - the first time Canberra has led in the series, having lost the opening two games 11-1 and 12-6.

Not satisfied with his start, Almonte went bigger with a two-run homer run over the left-field fence that put the home side totally in control.

The Cavalry couldn't capitalise on their opportunities in the sixth, but cut loose again the following frame.

A series of singles loaded the bases before the man of the moment, Almonte, stepped up to the plate again.

His double brought two more runs home, then back-to-back singles from Robbie Perkins and Mike Reeves made it 8-0 after seven.

While the Aces' highly rated pitching struggled - including their mandatory former Major Leaguer - it was a different story for Cavalry starter Sean Guinard.

No bright lights of the Bigs for him, he's been plucked out of the Canberra competition to be a revelation this season.

He gave up just two scattered hits from his 7.1 innings, along with seven walks, and he struck out six Aces hitters on the way to his fourth win of the ABL season.

While Guinard left bases loaded when he left the mound, reliever Jackson Lowery minimised any damage - allowing just one run across the plate.

Almonte said Guinard was the type of guy everyone lifted for in the field - highlighted by a smart double play that prevented Melbourne from scoring in the top of the fourth.

"I love Guinard. He's a guy who gets along with everybody. Today he did an amazing job," Almonte said.

"When you've got guys like that pitching,as weird as it sounds, it feeds off to the hitters as well.

"You know he's grinding out there and you want to help him out. It was great to see him pitch tonight."

The series wraps up at Narrabundah on Sunday, with Scott Cone taking the mound for the Cavalry at 1pm.


Melbourne 000 000 010 1R 2H 0E

Canberra 103 000 40x 8R 14H 0E

W: Sean Guinard (4-1, 2.50); L: Dushan Ruzic (3-2, 3.40); HR: Josh Almonte (2).