John Kerry takes his DOG to his final press briefing and playfully sets the Golden Lab on reporters

  • Ben Kerry has been a regular at the State Department while his owner was Secretary of State
  • The lab has his own twitter account, with 3,000 followers 
  • John Kerry spent the final meeting to emphasize the importance of free press

Secretary of State John Kerry surprised the State Department on Thursday by bringing along his dog Ben to his final briefing.

Ben was met with excitement from reporters, according to CNN, who said that many reached for their smartphones to take the pooch's picture as Kerry convinced him to sit still. 

The three-year-old dog sat next to his owner during the meeting, during which Secretary Kerry thanked senior members of his public affairs team and any assembled journalists. 

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Secretary of State John Kerry surprised the State Department on Thursday by bringing along his dog Ben to his final briefing

Many of those in attendance followed him throughout his four-year stint in the State Department. 

America's top diplomat also used the opportunity to emphasize the importance of free and credible press.

He said that the press is being 'put to test by some folks in the political world who want to use it to discredit'. 

Ben Kerry makes regular appearances at the State Department, frequently accompanying his owner to work, reported CNN. 

The yellow lab even has his own Twitter account, with over 3,000 followers. 

He waited patiently by the podium while Kerry addressed the room.

At one point, Kerry jokingly set the dog on a reporter, who joked that 'finally someone with intelligence is at the podium'.  

Ben Kerry makes regular appearances at the State Department, frequently accompanying his owner to work, reported CNN. He even has his own Twitter account 

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