Photographer releases banned images North Korean officials

A German photographer has released a series of images offering a unique glimpse inside the shadowy state of North Korea. His pictures show a completely different side to the country to that that is normally shown to the western world, as he hangs out on glorious sunny beaches and at a waterpark. Martin Von Den Driesch, from Berlin, was the only Western participant on an eight-day visit to North Korea back in August 2014. The 48-year-old was visiting the country as part of Russian and Korean group of 30 people, including his wife Julia Kim, who travelled by cars all the way from Moscow to Vladivostok.

Iranian woman bodybuilder locked up over 'nude' selfies

An Iranian bodybuilder has been arrested after publishing selfie of her muscles on social media which were deemed to be 'nude'. She has not been identified but it is thought she may be Shirin Nobahari, one of two women who took part in an international competition and were reported in September to have been warned about selfies which they posted afterwards. Ms Nobahari's Instagram account (pictured), which users the moniker Shirin Muscleking, contains a number of photographs and videos of her showing off her biceps and lifting weights.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Videos being sold for the equivalent of 75p in Manaus, Brazil, show corpses and severed heads on the ground during riots at the city prison earlier this month.

Tatiana Lozano Pereira, 32, admitted to killing her son Itaberli Lozano in Cravinhos, in Sao Paulo. According to local reports, Pereira had long rejected her son because he was gay.

Officials in the South Korean capital Seoul hope the near-supersonic mode of transport will be able to travel more than 620mph - drastically reducing journey times in the country.

Speaking at an international robotics conference, those working in the field predicted that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) devices in the bedroom will be the norm within 25 years.

If the migrant's words are mistranslated during their asylum hearing in Germany it can make their conversion look fabricated and therefore their claim seem falsified, meaning they are deported.

Julian Assange

Julian Assange, who has been living at the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012, believes he faces extradition to the United States for questioning over the activities of WikiLeaks.

Earthquake shakes central Italy as tremors felt in Rome

Two quakes struck about 65 miles north east (shown top right) of the Italian capital - and just four miles from the town of Amatrice, which was flattened by a powerful tremor last August. Schools, buildings and the Metro subway have been evacuated in Rome (main and top left) while eyewitnesses reported apartment blocks swaying. Aftershocks continue to rock the area while residents of the city of Aquila, which has been badly hit in previous earthquakes, rushed into the streets in scenes of panic. Areas devastated by the August quakes have been covered by a metre of snow in recent days with locals describing conditions as 'apocalyptic'.

May’s Brexit speech mocked in Europe's newspapers

Germany's broadsheet Die Welt (top left) mocked the Prime Minister with an image of her superimposed in front of a Union Jack flag with the headline 'Little Britain'. Mrs May confirmed on Tuesday that Britain will quit the single market and warned she will walk away from exit talks rather than accept a 'punitive' deal. French daily Libération (top middle) said 'the EU finds itself attacked on all fronts without having seen anything coming.' Italy's La Repubblica (top right) led with the headline 'Brexit, London gets its wall, away from the EU and the common market'. Denmark's Politiken, Spain's El Mundo and Sweden's Dagens Nyheter (bottom row) also responded to Mrs May's Brexit speech with a series of striking front pages.

Ex beauty queen Barbara Rey had the cash paid into an offshore account to make sure she kept quiet about her long-standing romance with Juan Carlos I of Spain, it is claimed.

The Topol-M rocket blasted off from the Plesetsk, 500 miles north east of Moscow before reaching its target in the Kamchatka peninsula - some 3,750 miles to the east.

As they received their vaccinations in Japan, the wrestlers were clearly upset and their faces shows them struggling as they attempted to avoid looking like cry-babies.

A new generation of Jamaican bobsleighers are facing a similar plight to the original 1988 team as they attempt to raise funds for a coach to take them to the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.

The global elite are meeting in the Swiss ski resort of Davos this week for their annual shindig but the world's power-brokers are struggling to come up with answers to the rise of 'populism'.

A British tourist has drowned on a Thai holiday island after going for a swim in the sea after drinking a lunchtime beer, according to paramedics.

Russian Christians take cold dips in freezing temperatures

Brits who headed to Spain this week in search of some winter sun were in for a nasty surprise when the country had its heaviest snowfall in 35 years. Beaches at numerous coastal resorts have been wiped out by freak snow storms and roads cut off as unusual driving conditions caused chaos. Schools on the Costa Blanca were closed this morning because of the heavy snow overnight and even those on the island of Mallorca woke up to a blanket of snow. Spain's Met Office has issued an alert for adverse weather conditions, especially for the southeast peninsular and areas near Castilla-La Mancha and Aragon. Temperatures have dropped across the mainland, with frost and minus ten degrees in the mountain areas, and areas of southern Valencia and northern Alicante have seen up to 25cm of snow in 24 hours.

Inside Bolivia's brutal San Pedro prison in La Paz

San Pedro prison, the biggest in Bolivia's main city, La Paz, is believed to hold around 3,000 dangerous inmates. The criminals' children (left) and partners also live inside the jail, the premise being that they are often safer inside the prison than on the impoverished streets outside. Drug production inside San Pedro is rife, with some of the purest cocaine in the country made and sold their. There are no guards or metal bars on the cell windows and inmates have to pay for their own cells by working (right) inside the jail.

Rabbi Yosef Berger, of King David's Tomb in Mount Zion, Jerusalem, believes the supernova explosion of two distant stars is evidence an ancient messianic prophecy is coming true.

This is the moment two surgeons posed for selfies with Gino Pucciarelli from Perugia, Italy after performing surgery to cure his sleep apnoea. Unfortunately, Mr Pucciarelli later died.

The teen attempted the DIY circumcision using the nearest sharp object he could find after his friends told him he would not get a girlfriend because he still had his foreskin in tact.

'Look at the leek in your sink!' Irish son hilariously pranks his mother into thinking she has a LEAK in her kitchen after putting a vegetable in with her washing up 

Sometimes the old ones are the best ones, and this Irish son certainly thought so when he decided to fool his mum with one of the oldest tricks in the book. Professional dad joker John Coen went round to his mum's house, where he decided to prank her with the age-old leek joke. As the pair were in the kitchen he put a big leek in the sink with his mother's washing up. After informing her that she had a 'leak' in her sink, she went to work to find the source, as he filmed her on her hands and knees with her head under the basin, looking for the source of the problem.