Nancy Sinatra Destroys Donald Trump With Her Kickass Tweets

She's sticking it to Trump her way.

19/01/2017 4:50 PM AEDT | Updated 19/01/2017 4:50 PM AEDT
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Fred Prouser / Reuters

Nancy Sinatra’s boots are made not just for walking but also for kicking Donald Trump to the curb.

The Hill is reporting that Trump and wife Melania will dance their first official dance as first couple to “My Way,” a song made famous by Sinatra’s dad, Frank Sinatra.

A woman named Liz Massi asked Nancy Sinatra on Twitter how she felt about the Sinatra standard being used as a sort-of coronation song for the Donald.

Her reaction was priceless:

For the record: The first line of “My Way” is “And now, the end is near.”

Based on her Twitter feed, it seems that Sinatra is no fan of Trump.

Earlier this week, she sent this message to him: 

The 76-year-old singer also made sure to tag Trump in a tweet sent by Bruce Springsteen’s guitarist Steven Van Zandt.

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