'He Started Using Cockroaches To Get Me Into Bed,' Bangalore Woman Files Complaint Against Her Husband


18/01/2017 3:30 PM IST | Updated 18/01/2017 5:22 PM IST
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marcus jones

A Bangalore-based woman has accused her husband of using cockroaches to get her into bed, filing a complaint against him at her local police station.

Sujatha has told the police that her 40-year-old husband, Avinash Sharma, who works in a tech company, puts cockroaches in her clothes and that he gets his kicks from hearing her scream, The Bangalore Mirror reported today. Sujatha, also a techie, has accused her husband of having multiple affairs.

"He harassed me continuously; we have two kids and that was the reason I put up with it. I stayed away from him and didn't allow him to touch me after he started having affairs. He then started using cockroaches to get me into bed," Sujatha said in her complaint to the South-east division police.

A senior counsellor who works with the city police told BM that Sharma had exploited Sujatha's phobia of cockroaches. "He agreed that he had tortured her and used cockroaches to take get into bed with Sujatha ....When she found out about his affairs and asked for a divorce, he didn't agree to it. That is why he resorts to this; he even gets cockroaches in a box to scare Sujatha with. We are counselling them," the counsellor told the newspaper.

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