This Is Why 3 Doors Down Said Yes To The Inauguration

The band actually played at George W. Bush's inauguration, too.

20/01/2017 5:26 AM AEDT | Updated 18 hours ago
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The list of performers at President-elect Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration has changed many, many times.

Stars have bowed out, up-and-comers have dropped in, and 3 Doors Down has been the mainstay.

Since the band we knew and loved in the early aughts agreed to perform at the inauguration, there has been significant commentary about it.

Mainly because 3 Doors Down hasn’t, uh, been relevant for awhile.

Despite that, the band’s business manager, Angus Vail, talked to Vice about why the band agreed to perform at all.

“Well, 3 Doors actually played George W. Bush’s inauguration. They are good Mississippi and Alabama boys — they come from conservative families,” Vail told the publication. “You know, they’re really good guys, but they have very different political beliefs. Because they played both Bush’s inaugurations, they’ve obviously been on the conservative radar.”

So, this is all George W. Bush’s fault? No, not exactly.

Vail elaborated and said that the band’s choice to perform had a lot to do with their “God, guns, and country black-and-white sort of viewpoint” and that “they spend a lot of time going to Iraq, doing service, playing for the troops.”

Frontman Brad Arnold told TMZ just last night that he’s “proud” to do it and that he thinks it’ll be a “good experience.”

Regarding the criticism Vail himself received from the pushback about the upcoming performance, he told Vice: “A lot of people think like, how can you be associated with them? Whereas I just think they have a very different view of the world from me.”

For 3 Doors Down, there’s “no such thing as bad publicity.” Vail feels that “the more liberals that get all hot under their collar about it, the more we’re appreciated by a whole bunch of conservatives.”

You can read the full interview at Vice.com here. And God help us all tomorrow.

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