Tuesday, January 10, 2017

upcoming gig in Krško, Slovenia

                                     when?................14.01.2017., Saturday
                                     where?...............MC Krško, Krško
                                     who?..................MALIŠA BAHAT screamo hc, Cro
                                                              RELENTLESS YOUTH punk screamo, Slo
                                     entrance?...........3 euros

Monday, January 9, 2017


so Optimalinija Kaos Panonia was a grindcore/noisecore/extreme hardcore festival taking place in Novi Sad in July last year and was one of the most interesting underground festivals in this area.. it was actually a split of two festivals Optimalinija, originaly started in Moscow but becomes international through the past years and serbian Kaos Panonia fest..
the organizers of this event wasn't lazy so they even published their own 'zine in which are represented, with good and interesting interviews, all the bands that were performing this year.. really nice idea and it end up just well if you ask me.. don't really know if this was distributed before the festival or at the place of the event (I found about it few months after the festival, as usual, hehe..), but in the end it isn't really matters, what counts it's the effort put in it..
besides those interviews there is an introduction, article about history of Optimalinija fest and short description of the bands.. it doesn't seems much but there is a bunch of interviews and they are good.. I won't list all the bands here, you can check the festival poster.. at the first I didn't think it has some sense to write about it now since this edition of the festival is long over but there are some really interesting things about some not so well known bands which is always good..
there is print and reading versions available on the net.. all you must do is to download it and discover a lot of info about some pretty awesome grind/extreme hc bands..


Sunday, January 8, 2017

ACCIDENT - Accident

Accident are hardcore punk band from Zagreb with members who circulated through many of the ex and some still active punk bands from Zagreb scene.. there was already few words about them on this blog before but in short: they existed since 2014 and if I'm not wrong already had something like last gig and had a few shorter pauses at their work but here they are with new album recorded in December 2016 and released on bandcamp.. this is their 2nd full length album so be sure to check 1st one also..
allegedly, there will be published some promo CDs with this material soon.. and until then if you want some pretty good punk (or on croatian: prilično dobre pankčine) go to Accident's bandcamp..

Saturday, January 7, 2017

MISANTROPIA - Power Hating Slaves

something new, something fresh and something hell of a good.. new and fresh at least to me because I discovered Misantropia just the other day and good, well I'm sure you will like it if you're at least a little into crust grind or death metal.. don't know much about the band except they are from Portugal (yes, some parallels with Simbiose can be drawn..), exist since 2010 and are delivering greasy mix of crust, old school grind and death metal with great male/female vocals.. don't know if there are some other releases but this one is great.. it's recorded in November 2016, released as a tape on Larvae records in December and will be soon released as a split LP with Ruinas on Neanderthal Stench..
the best crust release in 2016?.. I don't think so, there are a little too much metal influences in there, but it's bloody close..

Friday, January 6, 2017

new year, new struggle... + some past gigs..

so, new year is here, your shitty new year resolution has been made, you'll becoming a better man and everything.. don't worry - it won't happen..
in general, there's no any indications that this year will be something better then previous one in any aspect, at least from my side of view, but as it says: the hope dies last, so I wish to myself and to all of you a better and happier new year..

how to start a new year then with something that happen last one, so let's go..
I wasn't on any gig like since forever and don't really remember which was last one (maybe Hellback's gig in N. Gradiška??!..) and I really miss going on them, but to be honest there aren't any interesting gigs lately in my closest surroundings and don't have will, time and opportunities to hit the road somewhere farther..
so all that I have left is to read some gig review here and there or see some videos on the internet and that's how I found following ones at the subsite.hr pages.. those was some of the more interesting gigs lately, of course when it's about my music taste..

NULLA OSTA / PASMATERS/ DISBAJA @ Grey Room, Zagreb 3.12.2016.

this one was pretty good, I'm sure.. I found about it just the day before when one of my friends ask me if I'll go, I didn't because the other day was working in the morning and later when I heard that the whole thing started only after the midnight that turned out as a good call..
pay attention on Disbaja, oh my... how they are good.. btw it was their 1st live show with the new drummer..
Pasmaters are one of the long lasting bands on the domestic scene and always well received in Zagreb..
and dinosaurs from Nulla Osta wasn't played long long time in Zagreb so they were probably interesting to folks who was there.. they also have some new members..
there are bunch of good photos from that night and a bad gig report on this link..
"na krilima slobode - ravno u smrt!"

ALTERCADO / MISA HISTERICA / KRLJA @ Reciklaonica, Zagreb 18.11.2016.

believe me or not, I still wasn't in Klaonica squat not a single time and to be honest I'm ashamed of that 'cause it is the only real one squat in Croatia.. this time didn't go because of total bizarre reason - I forget about this gig.. I was sure to go on that, then forget about it and the next thing is I find some live footage from the gig on net.. total failure..
Altercado and M. Histerica, bands from faraway and exotic to us Chile were on their euro tour and already well known Krlja as a local support..
again gig report and photos you can find here.. apparently some fight broke out there during the night, which isn't nice..
"solo estas preocupado de la belleza de tus asesinos,  si te gusta la vanidad, comienza a usar la cabeza, si quieres sentirte importante... - asesina a tus asesinos!!"

SCAB EATER / DISEASE / LIFE SCAM @ Attack, Zagreb 2.11.2016.

and one for I didn't even know and I'm really sorry I miss it 'cause Disease are one of the most perspective d-beat punk bands from the Balkans (if the verb "perspective" can be used in describing one d-beat band, hehe..).. I mean I knew that Disease and Life Scam (both from Macedonia and sharing some members) are on tour and about their gig in Ljubljana but didn't have an idea they would also play in Zagreb..
and about Scab Eater (Australia) I 1st time heard while reading/watching this stuff here..
"Stacked and cuffed, bloody mess, Savage pigs, ruthless, Violent acts sanctioned by the state, Savage pigs, full of hate, No escape!"

Thursday, December 22, 2016

EXISTENCH are active again!..

so it seems that legendary Canadian grinders Existench are active again.. after releasing split with Skunk in 2015, which also flew by my radar, to be honest, they are back with new material.. this time without Amanda, just Gerald and Derek doing and recording all the stuff.. they have new release, a split with Deboned on interesting Poland grindcore label Everydayhate in colobration with few other labels which sounds pretty great, you can check it out on edh bandcamp or on existench bandcamp with few more bonus tracks.. also there is an interview with them on edh blog, go, go, go for it!..

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?..........................................................................30.12.2016., Friday
where?.........................................................................club Gromka, Ljubljana
who?............................................................................AKTIVNA PROPAGANDA street hc punk, Slo
                                                                                    FINAL APPROACH hc, Slo
                                                                                    ANTI SLAUGHTER punk crust grind, Slo

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

PERONOISEPORA January 2017 euro tour (need help)

"some gigs are cancelled,, some new gigs are confirmed.. if you can help somehow, feel free to contact us in facebook inbox or on peronoisepora@gmail.com... if you can't, at least share this photo!! thanx for support :)"


just recently I found out about this webzine.. you can read there a lot of quite interesting stuff, not only focused on scene and hc punk but also on movies, literature traveling, etc.. (it reminds me a lot on Helly Cherry when it's about the content).. it's mostly on croatian, except some interviews which are on english.. probablly the most interesting thing for me is a series of posts about Čakovec's hc punk scene in the past, mostly things that the author experienced as he was part of that scene and I already before heard some of those stories, some even experienced by myself 'cause then was my beginnings in hc punk and Čakovec is pretty close to the place I live..
to cut it short, as I already mentioned it's focused on variety of things so I'm sure you'll find something interesting for yourself.. go check it here: https://kraykulla.wordpress.com

Monday, December 12, 2016


finally some good news.. Nuclear Altar are back with new line up but with the same crushing d-beat styled crust.. looking forward to see/hear more of them..

"Endless terror, cruelty and gore..
Constant distruction..
Screams of hatred and deadly greed..
Constant distruction.."

Friday, December 2, 2016

KONTATTO "Fino Alla Fine" - upcoming new LP

Kontatto are preparing a new, 3rd full length album which will be released on vinyl by Agipunk records in February.. artwork for it is again made by Stivart and music is also already recognizable d-beat crust machine.. when you are waiting for it check out the title track on their bandcamp which they published exactly a month ago..

Thursday, November 10, 2016

upcoming gig in Novi Marof, Croatia

when?................13.11.2016., Sunday
where?...............Stara škola, Novi Marof
who?.................GIZ MEDIUM acoustic punk, Fra
                         + vegan diner from 18:00 h
entrance?...........15 kn

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?...........21.11.2016., Monday
where?..........club Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.............ALTERCADO crust, Chi
                     MISA HISTERICA crust, Chi
                     SEREŠ punk, Slo


Monday, November 7, 2016

PIZDA MATERNA live @ Gromka, Ljubljana 15.10.2016. - video

what an opening, I get goosebumps every time I play this video.. simply great.. enjoy.. thanx to rafal crew..

Friday, November 4, 2016

DISBAJA - Smoke And Mirrors

after some line up change (new drummer) Disbaja are recording a new material.. can't wait to hear the whole thing.. for now here is one new song, enjoy..