Saturday, September 26, 2009

GRIDE/DEZINFEKCE 18.09.2009. Time, Zagreb

another great gig at club TIME which is host to almost every band which is touring this part of Europe in last two years.. it is a great stuff, but in my opinion it would be better if there will be some local bands included like support for guests from abroad..but okay,this is theme for some other time..

when I heard that GRIDE comes to Zagreb I was enthusiastic even if I know that means another sober night for me because I was driving there but it worthed.. gig started somewhere about 10 PM and first band on the stage was DEZINFEKCE.. they exist for quite long time (started at fall of 1991,but with today line up somewhere in 1996).. they play, as they say, hardcore punk with a lot of negative energy.. they try to warm up the people and bring up the atmosphere but they didn't succeed in that.. it was obviously that all the crew was waiting for GRIDE .. I must admit that isn't my type of music,but guys was put some effort in that what they are doing and that is good.. even I liked few songs..
in the break between two bands I talked with some friends which I haven't seen for quite long time, so it was great to talk with them..

and then GRIDE, legendary Czech grinders which everyone was waiting for.. I was surprised with their great and energetic performance.. they should be example to some younger bands which are a little bit boring with their passive shows.. after so many years of making noise (they started in 1996) they still looks as they are giving all from themselves (especially their vocalist) and that was nice to see..they have two bas drums on their drummer set and that was something new and interesting to me.. I was very satisfied with their show.. yes, and two members of DEZINFEKCE also play in GRIDE, that was interesting too..
after the gig we was talking with a rest of mainly drunk crew and after that we go home happy and satisfied because of one more great gig.. after a little losing all over Zagreb (thanks to my drunk friends, hehe..) we find a way to out of Zagreb and happily arrived home..
club TIME

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


on Monday, the 14th of September 2009, a protest of solidarity with the arrested Serbian  anarchist took place in Zagreb.. the protest was organized by the "Stop the repression!" campaign initiated by The Network of Anarcho-Syndicalists (MASA)..
the beginning of the protest took place at the Petar Preradovic Square with the gathering of approximately 30 people.. since the protest was reported to the police, quite number of police officers were present.. the protesters marched trough the street of Ilica towards the British Square carrying the banner that said: "stop the repression! freedom for the anarcho-syndicalists!" and those words were accompanied with the picture of the caged snow owl.. the snow owl that is actually the logo of Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), now caged, became the symbol of this campaign on the international level.. while the protesters approached the British Square, some of them have been distributing leaflets to people passing by.. all the leaflets were distributed even before we reached the British Square..
on the British Square our official statement was read, it was the same statement as the one on the leaflets.. after that, our unexpected visitors, a folk band of squatters from Belgium, played for us one of their songs.. but since they were not planned, the police didn't allow them to perform more than just one song..
after the performans had been completed, three of our delegates, accompanied by two police officers, went by bus to the Serbian Embassy, where they put the protest letter and the leaflet into the letter-box..

the letter to the Serbian Embassy:
Respected Ambassador!
With this letter we protest against the arrest, harassment and the media lynch of five of our fellows and friends: Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulović, Sanja Đokić, Ratibor Trivunac and Nikola Mitrović. The majority of them are the members of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), the Serbian section of the International Workingmen's  Association (IWA). They are accused for throwing two molotov cocktails on the Greek Embassy in Belgrade, on the 25th of August 2009, and they are being charged for the criminal act of international terrorism. Although there are no evidence and no proof whatsoever that they commited that act, that did not prevent the media from writing about the accused as if they are proven to be guilty. This kind of behavior is deliberate and it has as its goal the ruination of ASI's reputation and the criminalization of ASI's syndical work. Except that, the state of Serbia would this way inaugurate a new praxis of punishing everybody who may present a threat to it, and who fight for a more just human society, for a society that above all respects the human life, and not the needs of profit. the "Stop the repression!" initiative strongly condemns this kind of behavior and demands the immediate release of the imprisoned anarchists.
If our demands won't be respected, we shall continue with the pressure through the media and with further actions of solidarity, as well as our comrades throughout the world.
                                                                                                                   "Stop the repression!" initiative


Saturday, September 12, 2009


in time when the world based on money is stuck in recession, when management and economy are threaten in our city, there is almost nobody talking about death of culture which is chocking between capital logic of newborn cultural industry and closed doors of city office for culture..
autonomic cultural centre Medika is thoughtful as place of opened doors where everybody can get space for keeping cultural, educationally, socially-useful activities and we are hoping that this space will be properly used.. the main goal of Medika is everyday maintenance of miscellaneous program and if we can make some fun, educate, inform or be inspiration to someone we won't have anything against that..

the reasons for creating akc Medika:
big number of associations, independent collectives or free artists are confronted with problems such as where and how perform their activities.. the price of space for performing cultural events in most of clubs, theaters and halls are to expensive for the programs which are non profit and which are engaged in youth and independent culture..
because of that rental of the space and technical equipment is often the main reason of inability of performing independent cultural events.. without presentation of their work and without scene where artist would be situated, the creativity of youth is sentenced on amateurism, isolation and many financial difficulties, which shouldn't conditioning status of the independent cultural scene and youth cultural scene..

preceding to the project of Medika was cooperation of few Zagrebs squatters and association "Atack!" (which was without their own space from 2003).. in that time collaboration was realized on organizing ilegal parties in most unusual locations in town which would be squatted just for that one night.. after about 20 squat parties invasion at the "Lapidarij" was happened.. it was first organized action for assignment of space to youth and independent cultural scene..
but as the space at "Lapa" didn't satisfy conditions of all people interested in, the action was transfered at Medika.. the space of former factory of medications Medika is complex area of few thousand m2.. it is located in the canter of town, it is on good shape and from 2003 it is in property of Zagreb city and from then is empty, worthless and exposed to decay.. after initial cleaning and making space in order, in November 2008 there was organized big, supported by media, opening of Medika.. but police arrived very quickly and dispel for about 500 people.. even if we was contacted leaders of city office for culture, education and sport before occupation of Medika, we was remained without answer.. although, with undefined status "Attack!" and squatters was started with renovation of broken parts, cleaning and recovering spaces on their own cost and using factory illegal to December 2008, when the police followed by city security services throw out on the street squatters and all property of all associations which was using space until then..
this day there was officially born the "initiative Medika", action of unions consist of associations and independent collectives which was demanding legal using of former factory.. 1 January 2009 there was signed a contract with the city and that's how Zagreb was getting first autonomic centre.. first legalized squat..
if you are interested in using space or you simply want to know something about it contact as at .. all other informations find at or

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


and finally, second edition of this festival which I was waiting for whole last year.. I was really surprised (negative) because only I and just one friend of mine were going on festival this year.. I was expecting that there will be more of us..but in the end shows up that wasn't a problem at all..
the festival was taking place at Kranj at "Izbruhov Kulturni Bazen" wich is, as a matter of fact, old abandon swimming pool ilegally used by young Slovenians involved in "AKD Izbruh".. when we arrived at the place there was pretty  much people..
bands that played first night was: Trifail, Final Approach, Nakot, Los Dolares, Ak-47, Born/Dead and Antimaster.. from this first night I remember only Final Approach, Nakot and Los Dolares because I was extremely wasted by alcohol.. F. Approach was performing covers of Razlog Za and 7 Seconds on my great pleasure,but their songs are great also so I enjoyed their show very much.. after them Nakot from Serbia.. they sound much better to me live than on their demo recordings.. a very powerful d-beat crust.. last band I remember was Los Dolares d-beat from Spain which also sounds great..
on saturday boring rain almost ruins everything, but we spent most of the day at the bar inside place and sleeping in tent, resting for the second night..
line up for second day was: Rawside, Human Host Body, Nulla Osta, Campus Sterminii, Mordare, Nula, Warcollapse, Driller Killer, Varukers.. I've enjoyed in all bands except Rawside and H. H. Body because when they are performing their show I was pretty busy at the bar (heh!).. but I must mention Nula (anarcho punk from Croatia) which was really kicked asses and I was so fucking surprised and enthusiastic because they sound the same as some15 years ago.. when I was heard stories about their reunion I didn't think that they will sound that good..
and in the end I'm very glad that i was presented at this festival because of so many great bands, even if was hard to excel bands from last year (Kurwa Aparata, FxPxOx, A. Propaganda, Drek U Pest, Konflikt, Mob 47, Pavilinul 32, True, Visions Of War, Wolfbrigade, E.N.T. and Agathocles).. this year there wasn't any biggest problems with the police even they was presented all the time.. also there was unfortunately a little bit less people then last year.. but I think that this festival slowly but for sure grows up to one of better crust punk festivals in Europe.. I can't wait next year and I hope to see more great bands and people there..
more details from traveling to Kranj and back and other alcohol adventures check up at first number of Crucified Freedom fanzine..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

DISAGREED #3 fanzine

another number of this 'zine in very short time.. again its consist most of interviews, this time with some bands I like very much: Warvictims, Hellkrusher, Agitator, Martyrdod and there are also Fek, Terrorstat, Chaka, Humanist, Whasingtonians, Csihas Beno and with Nesha from Doomsday Graphics (which I think really deserve to be interviewed because of his great work).. except views there is gig report were was played Sangre, Nakot and Mišomor..yes, and I must notice that interviews are better and more extensive from a number to a number..
support this 'zine HERE


since the beginning of the 1990's groups of Poznan freedom movement wanted to have their own premises.. during that very active period, the freedom movement took part in many initiatives which aim was to socialize goods.. successes of groups in other towns were encouraging them to act..
in the summer of 1994, not minding the consent of authorities or owners, activists decisively started to look for premises.. several buildings were found, but the most appropriate one was the barrack of the bankrupted warehouse.. it was situated in an deserted area that used to be a warehouse-industrial complex..
initially, squat Rozbrat's role was a house similar to freedom communes.. some more serious actions that were creating and supporting the squat took place.. in summer 1995, it was still been adapted.. on one hand, it had only a residential function, one the other hand almost every resident of the squat was somehow active in social activity..
with time concerts started to be organized in Rozbrat, because of the safety reasons, the entrance was allowed only with an invitation, but there were organized more and more frequently and the character of those concerts started to be more open.. this kind of cultural activity was the leading one for following several years.. a bigger room was adapted and prepared, sound equipment was collected.. slowly, the character of the place started to change and it
became  an independent culture centre..
after the activities were created in a closed group a time for creating a wide coalition for sustaining and keeping the squat has come.. squat started to be treated not as a whole but as a part of activity.. a wider bunch of people not living at the squat started to get involved in Rozbrat, laying the foundations of new quality of the Rozbrat Collective..
in 1997 Anarchist Federation started their activity in Rozbrat.. since then, it has gathered the more active participants of Rozbrat Collective and plays very important role in shaping the place, both in ideological way and in material one.. meetings called the Liberation Feasts were initially a forum for both solving the problems of Rozbrat itself ant the outer activity.. the Anarchist Federation created the Anarchist Library in 1997, and in 2000 the Anarchist Club, were weekly meetings of AF still take place.. in 2001 another room was adapted  for initiative "Lame Mule", where recitals, poetry evenings, discos and lectures take place.. the back of "Lame Mule" was transformed into the Gallery, that is open for all kinds of independed artists.. with time technical structure and management system based on self-governance was been created.. in 2005, a new cafe bar next to the Gallery was created.. it is a chill out zone.. all the time we are creating and improving the infrastructure.. with small steps we are developing the place engaging ourselves in it..
Rozbrat is peculiar centre of independed culture in Poznan, and actually in whole Wielkopolska region.. actions that are taken here would be very difficult in commercialised world.. we are creating a place based on independent social and cultural activity: without of donations, subsides, sponsors, outside of the system, outside of the good or bad economic situation, for ourselves, for propagating an independent thought, for building social consciousness..
that is how Rozbrat has changed its side and blended well into Poznans surrounding, for some people it has been a nice accent, for others been a thorn at their side.. the outside-of-institutions character of the place was attracting and still attracts people wanting to create culture in an active and independent way, and also undertaking others actions on social-political level..
  rozbrat - the idea
free houses for free people..
squat is nothing but an uninhabited building, usually in a very poor shape, being occupied by a group of people who repair it, move in and create a certain kind of community.. therefore squat becomes home to them..

  from the community...
the original idea of Rozbrat was to set up a commune composed of the people who did not approve of the world based on "the rat race".. then it has evolved and developed: the place itself was changing, different people get involved in the formation.. the goal has broadened from residing to carrying on cultural, social and political work.. the group, initially small, has grown larger becoming kind of "open community" with the aim to keep the place and build free ideas upon it.. revolution
today Rozbrat is the center of the alternative culture both in Poznan and the whole region called Wielkopolska.. this is the social space where the activities, which would not have happened in the commercialized world, do take place.. everything here is based upon the independent social and cultural activity: we don't get any donations, subsides, we are not sponsored by anybody, we are out of establishment and shady relations; we do it for ourselves and to spread the free, independent thought and rise social awareness..
  the activities
for a start few words about Rozbrat's structure.. it is divided in several autonomic but altogheter integral pieces: the inhabited building - squat, the anarchist library, two rooms - concert hall plus another hall, the anarchist club and other smaller places.. the activists works in different groups but they cooperate with each other in the Rozbrat Collective..
the activity of Rozbrat collective is very wide.. the Technical Collective is very important here - it's in charge of of tehnical maintenance of Rozbrat (for instance recoonditioning and improving the infrastructure, raking up the lleaves in the autumn and so on) and it also coordinates the squat's activity..
from the very beggining Rozbrat has been a flat for the group of people; now there are 15-20 squatters.. there is broad cultural and social activity undertaken by Rozbrat, for example concerts, exibithions, festivals and many other events.. as individuals and as a group we are very often invited to take part in organizing some projects.. we reach the people by arranging the lectures and workshops; they can also see our ideas been carried into effect..

Rozbrat has allways been connected with music, actually, it was begining of its cultural work.. people setting it up were involved in the "independent scene" based on diy method, which applied to everything from organizing concerts, recording to releasing records; Rozbrat is also a fruit of this maxim..
the first concert took place spontaneously in the autumn of 1995.. Oi Polloi, legendary band from Scotland, had their gig in Poznan canceled, but they showed up at squat because of social contacts and played for a small group of people.. that was the begining.. next gigs were organized by inviting certain bands to play.. only squatters and activists friends knew about the concerts because it was a bit risky at that time to let unknown people come to Rozbrat.. then there were leaflets and posters spreaded, and now the info about gigs is fully official.. it took several years to make people respect us and the place.. but still we may refuse the entrance to some folks, some people praise us for it, but some find it pissing of.. well the place got its own specificty and it is of big importance in the chain of interdependences around us.. at the end of the day, every place got its policy and so does Rozbrat.. our aim is to influence the society through forming the alternative culture.. we are alternative to plastic pop culture, which patterns got nothing to do with building free and conscious society.. pop world is the world of neon signs and stars, spectacle and sham brilliance; it is expansive and effusive, because it is based on big dough.. in this world you can be a radical or an asshole, but still you are part of this system.. we don't mind popular culture, its creators and its consumers.. consciousness is the most crucial, the most important; how you act, what you do is your business - life is nothing but a constante choice!
we create ourown world here and now, without menagers and visagists; we do it because this is what we want and what we feel.. we might be unprofessional because of it (though it very often appears that we are more professional than it would seem to), but we feel good about ourself and people trust us..
on 18 september 2009 Rozbrat is celebrating 15 years of existance..

-Rozbrat squat at my space
-news about Rozbrat squat on english HERE
-download documentary film about Rozbrat squat HERE