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Latest in Albanian Radio

Serbian train sparks escalation in tensions with Kosovo

Analistet politik dhe njohes te situates ne Ballkan thone se provokimet e fundit te Serbise ne Kosove dhe me gjere ne Ballkan (Mal te Zi e Bosnje e Hercegovine) jane...

Europe Weather

Freezing conditions across Europe and parts of the United States have caused widespread tragedy and havoc. Dozens have died as temperatures plummet to levels not...

Australian Open 2107

On Monday some of the tennis world's biggest will take to the courts in Melbourne for the Australian Open. 
The federal Health Minister Sussan Ley (lee) has resigned from her portfolio
A French court has ordered the release of a jailed former prime minister of Kosovo pending a decision on whether to extradite him to Serbia, where he's wanted on...
My Grandmother's Lingo

A unique voice-activated interactive tells the story of one woman’s fight to save her endangered Indigenous language.