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Latest in Albanian radio

Latest in Albanian Radio

The Greens have suffered their second resignation in less than a week, with senator Larissa Waters stepping down after realising she is a dual Canadian citizen.  Like...
Half of all cancer patients in Australia experience financial stress, especially those undergoing long courses of treatment. Worryingly, that financial stress is...
A new study has revealed the dramatic impact migration to Australia has had on the country's workforce. Over the past five years, four out of five staff hired...
The Turnbull Government has announced a new Home Affairs ministry which will absorb immigration, border security, the Australian Federal Police and the spy agency...
The results of CENSUS 2016 show increase in the number of Albanians coming to live in Australia. According to statistics in the last 20 years, we have 3,000 more...
SBS National Languages Competition 2017

The SBS National Languages Competition 2017 is an exciting initiative to encourage and celebrate a love of learning languages in Australia. Find out how you can be involved!