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How to reduce sugar in your diet

Going sugar-free can be a tough change to make initially but, if you ease yourself into it gradually, you’re likely to find yourself soon feeling better.

Why go sugar-free?

Sugar allergies or a desire to better manage blood sugar levels, thereby preventing or delaying the development of diabetes, are typically the primary reasons people choose to cut out sugar. Other drivers may be a desire to lose weight, stabilise moods and achieve better oral health.

How to get started

The single best tip is go slowly. If you are used to a diet high in sugar you will find it hard to cut it out all at once, making it more likely you will cave and soon be reaching for that chocolate. Start by identifying where you consume the most sugar - is it soft drinks, in hot drinks, sugary snacks or a nightly dessert? Then, cut out just one of these things at a time until your diet is 100% sugar free. Depending on your level of consumption, give yourself one to two months to achieve this.

Sugar substitutes

Stevia - A herbal compound, Stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar, has zero calories and a negligible impact on blood sugar, making it an ideal choice for diabetics or those concerned about developing diabetes. It is a great sweetener for things such as coffee, tea or used moderately in desserts. However, in high concentration it can have a slightly bitter aftertaste - not dissimilar to some artificial sweeteners.

Agave syrup and nectar

Produced in South America and Mexico from agave plants, agave nectar is sweeter than honey, though less viscous, whilst agave syrup is thicker and darker. Agave nectars are typically sold in light, amber, dark, and raw varieties. The light nectar is mild in flavour and is therefore ideal for delicate dishes or beverages, whereas the amber and dark varieties have a stronger, caramel taste, making them lovely as a honey or sugar substitute - on pancakes, in desserts, for use in baking and even in sauces with poultry, meat and seafood dishes.

Artificial sweeteners

There remains ongoing controversy and mixed reports about whether artificial sweeteners, such as saccharine, pose health risks. Therefore, these are best used in moderation, such as the occasional diet soft drink or the coffee sweetener when you're out and about without another option at hand.

Top tips for a sugar-free diet

  • Read all packaging carefully. Sugar can turn up in the most unexpected places.
  • Adding cinnamon to food can help curb sugar cravings and is believed to help stabilise blood sugar too.
  • Sugar-free licorice or licorice teas can be a good way of getting a sweet hit without any sugar.
  • Following a Low GI diet high in complex carbohydrates is the best way to keep your blood sugar stable.
  • Watch out for "hidden sugars", including fructose, maltose, lactose, and glucose, as well as honey and corn syrup.
  • Alcohol is really a no-go zone for those wanting better blood sugar, but if you must drink then vodka and soda is your new best friend.

Try this delicious sugar-free blueberry and banana yoghurt cakes recipe for a healthier sugar take on the afternoon snack.


Source — June 2012


Debbie Elkind

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