External Evaluations

Please contact OIG/Evaluation at Headquarters (eva@iom.int) if you wish to obtain one of the evaluation reports listed.

  • IOM Partnership on Health and Mobility in East and Southern Africa (PHAMESA II) - Mid-Term Review, IOM, by M. Rueda Gomez, M.F. Salazar, L. Alcala, L. Gomez, C. Kahabuka, June 2016.

  • IOM/UNDP Joint Conflict Reduction Programme (JCRP) Phase II - Sudan, final evaluation, IOM/UNDP/EU, by I. Candela, May 2016. 

  • Independent Evaluation of IOM Project: Enhancing Protection and Improving Knowledge on the Risks of Irregular Migration in Sudan, IOM/Norwegian MOJ, by RCG, May 2016.

  • Rapport d’évaluation externe: Projet de réintégration et d’appui psychosocial des migrants retournés de l’Algérie et renforcement de leurs communautés d’accueils à Zinder, OIM/SEM, par Y.S. Konan, Mars 2016.

  • Independent Evaluation of IOM Project: Enhancing National Capacities and Cooperation for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons (TIP), Protection of Victims and Prosecution of Traffickers in Ethiopia, IOM/US J-TIP, by RCG, February 2016.

  • Joint Final External Evaluation of projects CT 0783 “Helping the Government of Madagascar Address Issues of Trafficking in Persons”  and CT 0810 “Strengthening Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking in Post-crisis Madagascar”, IOM/USAID, by A.M. Carrión López, January 2016.

  • External Assessment of CCCM Cluster Co-Leadership Structure – Final report, Global CCCM Cluster, by AshDan SPS Ltd., December 2015.

  • CCCM Capacity Development Evaluation - Final report, Global CCCM Cluster, by T. Foster, December 2015.

  • Real Time Evaluation and Support to the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) Programme in Sudan, EU, by Transtec, November 2015.

  • Equi-Health Mid-term Evaluation, IOM/EU, by H. Jayaweera, September 2015.

  • Improving the Protection of Vulnerable Migrants Travelling through the Horn of Africa 2013-2015, and Previous Phases, IOM/SDC, by Merit Partnership, June 2015.

  • Evaluation of The Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals Project (TRQN) III – including IOM The Hague Management response, IOM, by J. Leith and A.-M. Rivas, June 2015.
  • Pare 1+1: Improving Moldova’s Remittance-based Investment Program, UNDP/IOM/SDC, by Sipa Columbia University, May 2015.
  • Evaluation à mi-parcours du Programme d'Appui à la Stratégie Nationale de la Migration (PASNGM) - Mauritanie, OIM/UE, par IBF et ATC, Avril 2015.
  • Assessment Report of the Community Stabilization Project implemented by IOM in Hodh El Chargui, IOM, by Bescad, April 2015.
  • Enhancing Resilience and Protection of Marginalized Communities Affected by Protracted Conflicts and Effects of Adverse Climatic Conditions in Kenya, IOM/Sida, by B. Wittbold, March 2015.
  • Migration Crisis Support to address Migrant Expulsions in Western Tanzania Project: Terminal Evaluation, IOM, by L. Turugari, March 2015.
  • Evaluation of the Regional Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Program for Stranded Migrants in Libya (RAVL), IOM/EC, by Altai Consulting, January 2015.
  • Evaluation of One Room Shelter Programme for the 2011 Floods Response in South Sindh, Pakistan, IOM, by Shelter Centre, December 2014.
  • Second External Evaluation of the Rental Support Cash Grant Applied to Return and Relocation Programs in Haiti, Haiti CCCM and Shelter Cluster, by Large-N Analysis Inc., December 2014.
  • Real-Time Evaluation of IOM’s Humanitarian Response to the South Sudan Crisis, IOM, by A. Caldwell and A. Oliver-Burgess, November 2014.
  • External Evaluation of the IOM-led Shelter/NFI Cluster in Pakistan 2010-2013, IOM/ Global Shelter Cluster/ECHO, by L. Lefcourt, September 2014.
  • South Caucasus Socio-Economic Reintegration Programme for Mine Victims (Phase III), Interim Review Report, ITF/IOM/ADA, by S. Taylor, August 2014.
  • Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity and Promoting Community Resilience in West Java, IOM, by L. Berman and E.M. Panisales, August 2014.
  • Addressing Health Issues of Survivors of Human Trafficking in Jessore and Satkhira in Bangladesh, IOM/ANESVAD,  by S. Pervin, July 2014.
  • Evaluation of the Regional Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme for Stranded Migrants in Egypt and Libya, IOM/EU/GoI, by the Global Migration Centre/Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (IHEID), June 2014.
  • Evaluating IOM’s Return and Reintegration Activities for Returnees and Other Displaced Populations - Afghanistan, IOM/Government of Japan, by Samuel Hall Consulting,  June 2014.
  • Mid-Term Evaluation of the Ripfumelo project 2012-2016, IOM/PHAMESA, by BACTHA Consulting and IOM, May 2014.
  • Evaluation of IOM Psychosocial Assistance for Crisis-Affected Children and Youth and their Families in Libya, IOM, by War Trauma Foundation, March 2014.
  • Enhancing Cooperation Measures to Effectively Combat Trafficking in Persons through Capacity Building and Technical Assistance in Azerbaijan – Phase III, IOM/INL, by R. Krcmar, March 2014.
  • IOM Partnership on Heath and Mobility in East and Southern Africa (PHAMESA) - End-of-Programme Evaluation, IOM, by Coxswain Social Investment Plus (CSI+), December 2013.
  • Community-Based Reintegration and Economic Recovery Support to Vulnerable Communities in the Newly Resettled Villages in the Northern and Eastern Districts in Sri Lanka, IOM, by EML Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, November 2013.
  • Reintegration Assistance to Returnee Communities in Counties of High Return: Aweil East and Twic - Final evaluation, IOM/Sida, by Altai Consulting, November 2013.
  • Independent Evaluation of IOM’s Project “Horn/Gulf of Aden/Yemen: Improving Protection of Migrants – Phase III”, Final Evaluation Report, IOM, by R. Stewart, November 2013.
  • Evaluation Report: Guatemalan Repatriates Project (GRP), IOM, by MANAUS Consulting, September 2013.
  • Support to Reintegration Mechanism in Moldova for Readmitted and Returned Moldovan Nationals (Phase III) - Good Practices and Lessons Learned (Evaluation report), ADC-IOM, by V. Craievschi-Toarta, September 2013.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures for the integration of trafficked persons, IOM/FIIT Project, by J. Van Selm, August 2013.
  • External Evaluation of IOM Zimbabwe’s Community Based Planning Programme 2008-2013, IOM, by Dovich Development Management Experts (DEMEX), June 2013.
  • Mise en œuvre du Programme Conjoint JEM Tunisie «Impliquer la jeunesse tunisienne pour atteindre les OMD»: Evaluation finale, MDG-F/IOM, par D. Boutaud, S. Selmi, juin 2013.
  • External Evaluation of the Project “Best Practices on Collecting and Sharing Labour Migration Data for the Improvement of the Labour Market Information System (LMIS)”, IOM, by Dinamia S. Coop, March 2013.
  • Independent Evaluation: Central Asia Regional Migration Programme (CARMP), DFID/IOM/UN Women/World Bank, by Coffey International Development/IBF International Consulting, February 2013.
  • Final Evaluation Report “Capacity Building of Institutions Involved in Migration Management and Reintegration of Returnees in the Republic of Serbia”, EU/IOM, independent evaluation, February 2013.
  • External evaluation of the Rental Support Cash Grant Approach Applied to Return and Relocation Programs in Haiti, IOM/Sida, by J. Condor, C. Juhn, R. Rana, January 2013.
  • End of project evaluation “Building National Response Capacity to Combat Human Trafficking in Zimbabwe”, USAID/IOM, by Development Data, November 2012.
  • Migration for Development in the Western Balkans (MIDWEB): Final Evaluation, IOM, by Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, November 2012.
  • Supporting Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Timor-Leste – Final Evaluation, MDG Achievement Fund (multi-agency joint programme), by A. Arbulú, August 2012.
  • Terminal Evaluation Report on the ‘SARDD’ project implemented by the International Organization for Migration (SARDD - Surviving and Recovering from Disaster and Displacement in Ethiopia), IOM/ECHO, by Geo-Spatial Analytical Consulting Services (PLC), August 2012.
  • Evaluation of the project “European Local Cooperation for Integration” (ELCI), IOM/EC, by LSE Enterprise, July 2012.
  • Capacity Building of Institutions Involved in Migration Management and Reintegration of Returnees in the Republic of Serbia - Mid‐term Evaluation Report, IOM, by A. Calosevic, July 2012.
  • Fairness and Efficiency in Reparations to Conflict Affected Persons: A Joint Project of OHCHR and IOM, IOM/UN Peace Fund in Nepal, by P. Visser, May 2012.
  • Strengthening the Role of the Civil Society in Eliminating Human Trafficking in Zimbabwe - End of Project Evaluation, IOM, by Development Data, April 2012.
  • Final Project Evaluation: Enhancing the Capacity of the Ministry of Health to Assist Victims of Trafficking in Egypt, IOM/IDF, by  G. Baerten-Kidd, April 2012
  • Enhancement of socio-economic reintegration opportunities for Rwandan returned refugees and other vulnerable groups - Tracer study: vocational skills training in Western and Southern Province, IOM, by M. Gedde, March 2012.
  • Between two societies: Review of the Information, Return and Reintegration of Iraqi Nationals to Iraq (IRRINI) programme, IOM/UDI, by A. Strand, S. Bendixsen, E. Paasche, J. Schultz, November 2011.
  • External Process Evaluation of IOM’s Response to the Libya Crisis, IOM, by STAKEHOUSE International, November 2011.
  • Evaluation of the IOM DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) project and DDR (District Disaster Risk) sector in Timor-Leste – Part I, IOM/AusAID, by C. Bugnion, C. Burton, September 2011.
  • Evaluation of the IOM DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) project and DDR (District Disaster Risk) sector in Timor-Leste – Part II DRR Thematic Analysis, IOM/AusAID, by C. Bugnion, C. Burton, September 2011.
  • Evaluation of the International Organization for Migration’s On-going Activities on Support to the Flash Appeal for the Haiti Earthquake and Cholera Outbreak (Sida/IOM Agreement January 2010 – May 2011), IOM/Sida, by R. Rana, J. Condor, August 2011.
  • Regional Programme and Dialogue on Facilitating Safe and Legal Migration from South Asia to the European Union - Final Report, IOM/EU, by W. Gera, August 2011.
  • Assistance to Discharged Defense Personnel within the Scope of Defense Sector Reform in Serbia, End of Project Summative Evaluation, IOM/Nato Trust Fund, by C. Bugnion, M. Korica, B. Samardzija, April 2011.
  • Evaluation of the International Organization for Migration and its Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking, Norad, by J. Berman and P. Marshall, March 2011.
  • Zimbabwe Migration Development Strategies Project – End of Term Evaluation, IOM, by K. Maconi, February 2011.
  • Cross Border Mobility, Irregular Migration and HIV and AIDS: The Safe Journey Information Campaign 2005-2010 - End of Project Evaluation, IOM/UKaid, by Development Data, February 2011.
  • Secondary School Education in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to Prevent Trafficking in Persons, Phase 1 (IOM), Review and Assessment report, CAT/SDC, by Sarah Stephens, February 2011.
  • Partnership on HIV and Mobility in Southern Africa, 2nd phase (2007-2010), IOM/PHAMSA, by T. Lee, November 2010.
  • Regional Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) Programme for Stranded Migrants in Libya and Morocco (LiMo), IOM, by ISPI (Institute for Studies on International Politics - Milano), November 2010.
  • Independent External Project Evaluation of “Iraqis Rebuilding Iraq” Phase II Implemented by The International Organisation for Migration (IOM), UNDP/IOM, by C Bugnion, A. Balasm, June 2010.
  • Increasing Public Health Safety alongside the New Eastern European Union Border Line (PHBLM), IOM/EC DG-SANCO, by M. Johnson, May 2010.
  • Capacity-Building and Awareness-Raising to Combat Trafficking in Persons and Irregular Migration from and through Ghana, IOM/Royal Danish Embassy, by K.G. Amenuvor, April 2010.
  • The Evaluation of AUSCO 2009, Australia's Cultural Orientation Program for Humanitarian Entrants, Australian Government/IOM, by DIAC, September 2009/April 2010.
  • Capacity Building, Information and Awareness Raising towards Orderly Migration in The Western Balkans, EC-Aeneas/IOM, by R. Verduijn, February 2010.
  • Prevention of All Forms of Trafficking in Persons through Enhanced Regional Cooperation, Community Mobilization and Poverty Alleviation, Phase III, IOM/MOWA Cambodia/Government of Finland, by L. Autencio, January 2010.
  • Strengthening the Indonesian National Police through Institution Building – Phase II, Part 2 - End of project evaluation, IOM/RNE/EC, by P. Holmes, November 2009.
  • Independent final evaluation of the NATO/PfP Trust fund (NTF) programme for assistance to Redundant Military Personnel in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Final report, IOM, by Prism Research, October 2009.
  • 'Makmue Gampong Kareuna Dame', Support to Conflict Affected Communities Aceh-Indonesia, External Evaluation, CIDA/IOM, by S. Cunliffe, June 2009.
  • Anti-Trafficking Passport Inserts Assessment Report - Combating Trafficking in Persons in Mongolia: Return and Reintegration Victims’ Assistance and Capacity-Building, IOM, by U. Tsedev, June 2009.
  • Développement de la micro entreprise en faveur de la jeunesse déshéritée de Guinée, Rapport d'évaluation conjointe Direction de Développement et de Coopération Suisse/OIM, Juin 2009.
  • Programme régional de réduction de la vulnérabilité des jeunes face au VIH/SIDA et IST et de renforcement de leur santé génésique et sexuelle dans les communautés frontalières à fortes mobilités sous-régionales en Afrique de l’Ouest (2006-2009) - rapport d'évaluation, OIM/ASDI/Norad, par J.-P. Tchupo, Mai 2009 (also available in English).
  • Informe de Evaluación independiente - Tercera fase de intervención del proyecto “Trata internacional de mujeres para la explotación sexual comercial en el Perú", OIM/Mininter, por S. Macher, Abril 2009.
  • Mid-Term Review of Partnership on HIV and Mobility in Southern Africa, IOM/PHAMSA, by K. Butcher, April 2009.
  • Evaluation of Reintegration Activities in Afghanistan: IOM, DFID/FCO, by Altai Consulting, March 2009.
  • Third Joint Donor Review of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Programmes on Emergency Assistance to Mobile and Vulnerable Populations in Zimbabwe, Humanitarian Assistance to Returned Migrants and Mobile Populations at the South Africa-Zimbabwe and Botswana –Zimbabwe Borders, and the Safe Journey Information Campaign, DFID/Sida/USAID/ECHO/the Netherlands Embassy/IOM, by M. Pratt, P. Holdsworth, J. Smith, March 2009.
  • Informed migration project: Regional Dialogue and Program on Facilitating Managed and Legal Migration Between Asia and the European Union, IOM/AENEAS, by U. Mishra Hayes, February 2009.
  • ‘Integration: A Multifaith Approach’ Pilot Project (IAMA), IOM/EU, by M. Säävälä - Population Research Institute Finland, January 2009.
  • Study of the International Organization for Migration and its humanitarian assistance, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency/IOM, by B. Bengtson, L. Florin, A. Olin, November 2008
  • Evaluation of the National Immigrant Support Services in Portugal (ACIDI ), Government of Portugal/IOM, by Maria Abranches, October 2008
  • Counter-Trafficking Interventions in Prevention, Protection and Prosecution for Victims of Trafficking in Persons in Bangladesh: End Project Evaluation, GoB/IOM/USAID, October 2008.
  • Mid-Term External Evaluation Report “Support for National Police Reform in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - Addendum to the Project: Strengthening The Indonesian National Police Through Institution Building – Phase II”, IOM/The Royal Netherlands Embassy/EC, by K.Supelli and B. Herry-Priyono, October 2008.
  • Combating Trafficking in Persons in Mongolia: Return and Reintegration, Victims’ Assistance and Capacity – Building, IOM, by S.Skrobanek, September 2008.
  • Independent Mid-term Evaluation of The NATO/PfP Trust Fund Programme for Assistance to Redundant Military Personnel in Bosnia and Herzegovina, IOM/Nato Trust Fund, by the University of York - PRDU, August 2008.
  • Evaluation du Programme MIDA Grands Lacs Phase III, OIM, par SEE - Société d'Etudes et d'Evaluation sarl, Août 2008.
  • Return in Dignity, Return to What? Review of the Voluntary Return Programme to Afghanistan, IOM/Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, by A.Strand, A. Akbari, T. Wimpelmann Chaudhary, K. Berg Harpviken, A. Sarwari, A. Suhrke, May 2008.
  • Evaluation of the project “Coordination of the Return and Reintegration Assistance for Voluntary Returnees to Moldova”, IOM/Austrian Development Cooperation, by Study and Assessment Ltd (S&A), April 2008.
  • "2da. Evaluación Programa Trabajadores(as) Agrícolas Temporales a Canadá", Evaluación conjunta Gobierno de Guatemala/OIM, Cuadernos de Trabajo Sobre Migración 25, Marzo 2008.
  • The HIV Prevention Project Zambia - Angola, Project Evaluation Report, IOM/Sida, by Technical Support Facility (TSF) Southern Africa, February 2008.
  • Evaluation of the Program for the Enhancement of Transit and Irregular Migration Management in Libya, IOM, by Sciences Po - Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, January 2008.
  • External Independent Evaluation of the Project 'Assistance to Discharged Defence Personnel within the Scope of Defence Sector Reform in Serbia', IOM/Nato Trust Fund, by C. Bugnion, January 2008.
  • Evaluación Externa "Proyecto Piloto Regional de Prevención de la Trata y Tráfico de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes y Reforzamiento de Conocimientos sobre Salud Sexual y Reproductiva”, OIM Lima/BID, por T. Muñoz C., Octubre, 2007.
  • Counter-Trafficking Interventions in Prevention, Protection and Prosecution for Victims of Trafficking in Persons in Bangladesh, Mid Term Evaluation Report, IOM/USAID, by A. Rahman, August 2007.
  • Evaluation Report IOM Project Part I, Phase II, 'Strengthening the Indonesian National Police Through Institution Building', INP/the Netherlands/IOM, by S.Tiwon, K. Jen Pol, L. Dahlan, A. Bunyamin, August 2007.
  • COSWA, Community-Owned Sustainable Water Use and Agricultural Initiatives’ Project - Azerbaijan, Phase II, Report of the External Review, SDC/IOM, by A. Tarnutzer, A. Sadangi, P. Yusifov, July 2007.
  • Return, Reception and Reintegration of Afghan Nationals to Afghanistan, External Evaluation - Final Report, EU/IOM, by L. Hunzinger, July 2007.
  • Evaluation de la Mise en Œuvre du Projet "Assistance Technique à la Gestion de la Migration et au Retour Volontaire des Migrants en Transit par la Mauritanie", OIM/UE, par Béchir & Co, juillet 2007.
  • Second Joint Donor Review of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Programmes on Emergency Assistance to Mobile and Vulnerable Populations in Zimbabwe, Humanitarian Assistance to Returned Migrants and Mobile Populations at the South Africa-Zimbabwe Border, and the Safe Journey Information Campaign, DFID/Sida/USAID/ECHO, by B.M. Mvumi, M. Pratt, H. Robson, June 2007.
  • Evaluation of National Immigrant Support Centres - Portugal (English version), ACIME/IOM, by Maria Abranches, June 2007
  • Evaluation of the IOM’s Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Mobile and Vulnerable Displaced Populations Programme (EHAMVDP) in Rural Zimbabwe, ECHO/IOM, by Stanlake Kaziboni, May 2007
  • Impact Assessment of the Community-Owned Sustainable Water Use and Agricultural Initiatives (COSWA) Project, SDC/IOM, by R. Maharramov, April 2007.
  • Mid-term evaluation of Direct Health and Psychosocial Assistance Project-2 of the Post-Conflict Reintegration Programme in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia, IOM, by I. Harry Minas and Pandu Setiawan, April 2007
  • Combating Human Trafficking in Indonesia through Law Enforcement: an Evaluation Report on IOM Project supported by NZAid, IOM, by Wiladi Budiharga and Antarini P. Arna, April 2007
  • Partnership on HIV/AIDS and Mobile Populations in Southern Africa (PHAMSA): End-of-project Evaluation, IOM, by Mark Colvin, Genieve Lemmon and Shalote Chipamaunga, March 2007
  • Evaluation of the Humanitarian Assistance to Deported Migrants at the South Africa-Zimbabwe Border (Beitbridge): A Reception and Support Centre, IOM, by Sciences Po - Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, February 2007
  • Qualitative Evaluation of “The Economic and Social Stabilization Programme for Potential Victims of Trafficking in the Border Regions of FYR Macedonia - ESS", IOM/CEB/Norway, by the Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women, December 2006.
  • Evaluation of Counter Trafficking: Prevention and Capacity Building Activities in Kosovo (Serbia and Montenegro) and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Finnish MFA/IOM, by Päivi Äijälä and Venla Roth, November 2006
  • Evaluation of Anti-Trafficking Activities in Central Asia Financed by Sida, IOM/Sida, by Språngbrädan, October 2006
  • Evaluation of the IOM’s implemented Immediate Distribution of Humanitarian Assistance to Internally Displaced and Destitute Households in Urban Areas Evicted or Affected by Operation ‘Restore Order’ (Murambatsvina) in Zimbabwe and Institutional Strengthening of IOM Capacity to Respond to Humanitarian Crises, Final Report, IOM/ECHO, by Stanlake Kazibonia, August 2006
  • Information Campaign to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children in Cambodia, Final Evaluation, by Candice Sainsbury, August 2006
  • Economic Rehabilitation for Survivors of Trafficking in India, IOM/GoI, by Lacey Ilene Ruben, July 2006
  • Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme - Evaluation Report, IOM Afghanistan, by Dr. Alpaslan Özerdem, July 2006
  • Joint Donor Review of IOM Emergency Assistance Programme for Mobile and Vulnerable Populations in Zimbabwe, by DFID, Sida, USAID and ECHO, May 2006.
  • Mass and Micro-Information Campaign Awareness Impact Assessment - Information Campaign to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children in Cambodia Project, Joint evaluation MOWA/IOM, March 2006.
  • Fortalecimiento Institucional para el Mejoramiento de la Prestación de Servicios a Jóvenes en Proceso de Reincorporación Social, OIM/Embajada del Reino de los Países Bajos, por Corporación Nuevo Arco Iris, Febrero 2006.
  • Rapport conjoint de la seconde Evaluation du programme MIDA Grands Lacs - Programme de développement des pays des Grands Lacs à travers la mobilisation des ressources de la Communauté burundaise, congolaise et rwandaise de l‘extérieur, OIM/DGCD, Février 2006.
  • Evaluación Proyecto Trabajadores(as) Agrícolas Temporales a Canadá, Evaluación conjunta Gobierno de Guatemala/OIM, Cuadernos de Trabajo sobre Migración 22, febrero 2006.
  • An Evaluation of the EU-RQA Program, IOM/EC, by Altai Consulting, November 2005.
  • Medición de Impactos del Programa Red de Seguridad Alimentaria, OIM, por Econometria, Julio 2005.
  • Evaluation of 'IOM Reintegration Activities Targeting Vulnerable Returnees and Displaced Populations in Angola', joint evaluation IOM/Chevron/MINARS, July 2005.
  • Evaluation of the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Ghanaian Child Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in Yeji Fishing Communities, Republic of Ghana, IOM, by Sciences Po - Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris, June 2005
  • Etude d' Impact du Programme de Réinsertion au Mali des Enfants Maliens Victimes de Traite Transfrontalière, OIM, par Sciences Po - Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris, Juin 2005
  • Evaluation for the International Organization for Migration: Internally Displaced Persons Program in Iraq, IOM, by Sciences Po - Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris, May 2005
  • Evaluación Externa Proyecto "Trata Internacional de Mujeres para la Industria del Sexo en el Perú" (also available in English), OIM, por A. Ludeña, Mayo 2005
  • Final Review of "The Return of Judges and Prosecutors to Minority Areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina" Project, IOM, by Centre for the Promotion of Civil Society - Sarajevo, March 2005.
  • Programme de Démobilisation, Réinsertion et Réintégration des Ex-combattants (PDRRI): Mission de Suivi, Evaluation et Orientation du Programme, Guinée Bissau, par S. Arzeni, E. Cesanelli, S. Pes, Décembre 2004.
  • Evaluation of IOM’s Integrated Project for the Return and Reintegration of 500 LRA Reporters Through Information, Counselling and Referral Services (ICRS), IOM, by Sciences Po Paris (Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris), June 2004.
  • Evaluation Finale du Programme de Reconstruction des Infrastructures Communautaires à Pweto, Evaluation conjointe CE/OIM, Mai 2004
  • Evaluation du Programme de Mobilisation des Ressources Humaines et autres de la Diaspora Africaine de Belgique en faveur du Développement des Pays d' Origine - Migration pour le Développement en Afrique MIDA Belgique / Région des Grands Lacs, Evaluation conjointe DGCD/OIM, Avril 2004
  • From Barracks to Business: An Evaluation of IOM's Transitional Assistance Program to Former Soldiers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, IOM, by Columbia University, April 2004
  • Evaluation of the 'Let's Talk - Social Mediation for Refugee Communities in Europe' Project, IOM, by J. Salonen and J. Iivari, January 2004
  • Capacity-Building in Border Management on the East Timor-Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia Border Project, IOM, by Yanuarius Koli Bau (Evaluation Team leader) Timor-Leste/Indonesia, December 2003
  • Support to the Child Centre in Bucharest and Prevention of Irregular Migration, Czech Republic/IOM, by Institute of International Relations Prague, December 2003
  • Turning Soldiers into a Work Force: Demobilization and Reintegration in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bonn International Center for Conversion/The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, by Andreas Heinemann-Grüder, Tobias Pietz, Shay Duffy, August 2003
  • IOM Regional Counter-trafficking Programme in the Western Balkans, SIDA/IOM, by SIDA, July 2003
  • Evaluation of the Technical Assistance to the Government of Kyrgyzstan in the Implementation of the Plan of Action - Combating Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings, IOM, by A. Rysalieva, July 2003
  • Etude de l' Evaluation de l'Impact des Avantages Distribués durant la Démobilisation, OIM Guinée-Bissau, par l' Institut National d'Etudes et de Recherches (INEP), Juin 2003
  • Evaluation of the Counter-Trafficking Program in Moldova, SDC/IOM, SDC/HA, June 2003
  • Evaluation du Projet de Réinsertion des Ex-miliciens et de Ramassage des Armes Légères - République du Congo, PNUD/OIM, by C. Bugnion, June 2003
  • From Prevention to Reintegration: An Evaluation of IOM's Support Programme for Ex-Combatant Children in Colombia, by Columbia University Evaluation Team, 2 May 2003
  • "L’ombre de la guerre : perspectives pour le désarmement, la démobilisation et la réinsertion en République du Congo", Evaluation conjointe pour la Commission Européenne, le PNUD et le Secrétariat du PMDR, par Robert Muggah, Christian Bugnion, Philippe Maughan, Mars 2003
  • Evaluation of FALINTIL Reinsertion Assistant Program (FRAP) in Dili, East Timor, by John McCarthy (June 2002)
  • Bridging the Gap: An Assessment of the IOM's Community Assistance Programs in East Timor. Report prepared for IOM by the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), May 2002.
  • Evaluation of the IOM Programme for the Prevention of Illegal Migration and for the Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Asylum Seekers from the Region of Kosice (Slovakia) currently living in Belgium, by Marianne Verdurme, Immigration Liaison, Aliens' Office, Ministry of the Interior, Belgium (31 October 2001)
  • The IOM Project 'Reconstruction, Capacity Building and Development through the Return of Qualified Nationals to Bosnia and Herzegovina', an Evaluation, by Claes Sandgren, (September 2001)
  • Children First Programme, by Timo Halttunen, University of Turku, Centre for Extension Studies, Finland (September 2001)
  • OIM-USAID Evaluación de los Proyectos del Programa de Salida (Junio de 2001)
  • Return and Counselling Assistance Programme to Asylum Seekers from Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia, currently living in Belgium, Finland and the Netherlands, by Eckart von Malsen, Consultant (January 2001)
  • Integration Through Training - A Joint IOM/OSCE Project for Non-Estonian and Estonian Women, by K. Hallik, Consultant (November 2000)
  • Programa de Retención de la Migración Rural Urbana (PMRU), by Consultant G. Cárdenas (November 2000) (Spanish only)
  • Return of Qualified African Nationals - Phase 3, by Transtec, Belgium (October 2000)
  • Economic Opportunity Enhancement in Nakhichevan through Community Mobilisation and Micro-credit Schemes Project (UNDP/IOM), by Manoj Basnyat, SURF, Bratislava (September 2000)
  • Programme for Return of Qualified Nationals (RQAN) - Ethiopia, prepared by B. & M. Consultants (July 2000)
  • From Warring to Working: Reintegrating Former Combatants in Kosovo, Report prepared for IOM by Columbia University School of International Public Affairs (April 2000)
  • Assistance to the Return and Reintegration of Unsuccessful Asylum Seekers from Finland, by Consultant Orest Nowosad, (March 2000)
  • Domovini Project - Step by step to Minority Return and Reintegration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by S. Miettinen, University of Tampere, Finland (January 2000)
  • Return and Reintegration of Trafficked and other Vulnerable Women and Children among Selected Countries in the Mekong Region, by Consultant Ms Panadda Changmanee (March 1999)
  • Guatemala Demobilization and Incorporation Program, by Office of Transition Initiatives, Bureau for Humanitarian Response, USAID (January 1999)
  • Return of Asylum Seekers from Belgium (REAB) (December, 1998) (full text in Dutch, French summary available)
  • 'Mobile Employment Service'. Joint evaluation conducted by the State Employment Dept., Min. Labor and Social Protection of the Kyrgyz Republic, IOM and the GTZ (1998)
  • Haiti Demobilization and Reintegration Program, prepared for the US Agency for International Development by the CNA Corporation (March 1997)
  • The Information and Referral Service/Provincial Fund, Maputo, Mozambique, Creative Associates International Inc. (March 1997)
  • Mid-term evaluation findings of the programme for the Return and Reintegration of Qualified African Nationals (RQAN) - Phase III, supported by the EU, European Commission (January 1997)
  • Focus Groups and a Survey of the Former Fad’H in Haiti, by Winner/Wagner & Francis (October 1996)
  • Evaluation of the USAID Office of Transition Initiatives and IOM Haiti Communal Governance Program, Management Systems International (February 1996)
  • Reintegration of Qualified African Nationals (EEC – IOM Project 1983-1991), prepared by CEC Consultants (January 1992)
  • EEC-IOM Project for the Reintegration of Qualified Latin American Nationals in Five Central American Countries (Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama) (1984-1989) - prepared by CEC Consultant (December 1989)