Andy Fleming


Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.

加入于 2009年7月

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  1. 13分钟前

    V appropriate that Tories preference climate-change denialists while in middle of heatwave.

  2. 5小时前
  3. 4小时前

    UPDATE: Liberals to direct preferences to One Nation above Nationals in WA

  4. 回复给

    . contrary to yr report, the event was not held in but @ City Convention Ctr

  5. 2小时前
  6. 1小时前

    Further: sought to have venue secret -- collaborating in issuing motherhood statements as opposed to honest acct.

  7. 1小时前

    Worth noting that Q event was a fundraiser -- app 150 @ $150 each: public Uni raising $ for priv hate grp.

  8. 2小时前

    How are your LGBT & Muslim students supposed to feel about you hosting the Q Society fascists who preach hate against them?

  9. 2小时前

    Not anymore it's not - now recognised for hosting fancy events for hate groups.

  10. 2小时前

    Please explain the secretive Q society VIP event...?

  11. 2小时前

    . First reaction is denial. In this stage individuals believe diagnosis is mistaken, & cling to false, preferable reality.

  12. 2小时前

    : When actions completely contradict claims. hosts Q Society. Then posts:

  13. 2小时前

    What does that have to do with hiring out your space to a bigoted private group? What a feeble non-statement.

  14. 2小时前

    ‘They are not all bad, they do chuck pillow-biters off buildings’ Larry Pickering on Muslims, Q Society. Good message?

  15. 2小时前

    Not racist but number one with racists?

  16. 2小时前

    The silence from the Aust Council of VCs against nationalist, xenophobic & Islamophobic activity is deafening.

  17. 2小时前

    And also the views of all of the university's staff and students of colour, especially if they're Muslim?

  18. 2小时前

    now it's recognised as a hospitable place for discrimination, segregation and racism.

  19. as long as you host white supremacist gatherings you have nothing worth being proud of


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