Andy Fleming


Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.





  1. 10 時間前

    Raw and untamed powers of masculinity held by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un are said to be unnerving to many, and frightening to some.

  2. 2月10日

    A Swedish party that has been shunned in mainstream politics over links to neo-Nazi groups is gaining ground

  3. 10 時間前

    FBI Terrorism Taskforce Investigating Standing Rock Activists

  4. 20 時間前

    Please enjoy this clip of going to town on Piers Morgan on Real Time.

  5. 19 時間前

    Britain's smallest bird, the Firecrest, weighs the same as a teaspoonful of sugar

  6. 12 時間前

    Amazing book of graphic work about the disappeared of Ayotzinapa by our colleagues at M68 in Mexico City!

  7. 1月19日

    How the French Revolution started

  8. 14 時間前

    The final siren sounds as Melbourne defeat Collingwood by 19 points at Ikon Park. Final scores: Collingwood 4.1 (25) to Melbourne 7.2 (44)

  9. 12 時間前

    Need new lecturers? My History PhD might be helpful in teaching dangers of hosting hate groups i.e. Q Society. Shame, VU

  10. 12 時間前

    Q Society. How can you ruin your reputation this way? Shocking. Unforgivable.

  11. 12 時間前

    There's still no public statement from about why they're happy to profit from providing venue to bigots

  12. 12 時間前

    Why are you hosting Q Society? They promulgate hatred, and aren't in line with your values. Shame on you.

  13. 12 時間前

    Disgusted that hosted hate group for an event. Shameful damage to graduate reputations.

  14. 15 時間前

    At Vic Uni, in Public Law they emphasised the importance of s18C and intersectionality within the law. Then they hosted Q Society dinner? 🤔😐

  15. 12 時間前
  16. 13 時間前

    *Pls direct polite objections re hosting hatefest to ; also let staff & students know.

  17. 16 時間前

    Especially Vic Uni, the 'Diversity R Us' institution.

  18. 18 時間前

    That Q Society fundraiser at the "secret venue" in Melbourne sure went well huh! Haha! Shame on you for hosting that filth!

  19. 2月10日

    Surprised that hosted the bigots . I wonder what the international student body would make of it.

  20. 2月10日

    Has explained why Q society were given space to share their hate? Seems a most unlikely fit.



