The political issues posed by the Australian election crisis

The ruling elites, whether in Australia or around the world, cannot return to the stable and predictable parliamentary forms through which they ruled in the past. The systemic breakdown of world economy, ever mounting geopolitical conflicts, the rising danger of war, and, above all, the political radicalisation underway within the working class and youth, preclude that possibility.

Click here to read the SEP Election Statement

Australian government exploits “Christmas terror plot”
24 December 2016
Although the circumstances of the police raids remain unclear, the political establishment and media are using the events to foment an atmosphere of crisis.
Australia: Sacked brewery workers return after union “productivity” deal
24 December 2016
The unions have repeatedly boasted of their role in boosting productivity and profitability at the CUB plant.
Pauline Hanson launches bids to join Australia’s political establishment
23 December 2016
Hanson’s political program is directed at supporting big business, while blaming immigrants, foreigners, welfare recipients and “the Chinese” for social devastation.
Trump’s election fuels foreign policy debate in Australia
22 December 2016
The disputes centre on the basic dilemma facing the ruling class: how to balance between China, Australia’s largest export market, and the US, its longstanding strategic partner.

Professor Marmot’s lectures in Australia chart extent of health inequality
21 December 2016
The lectures establish the connection between social inequality, the living and working conditions of the poor, and the deterioration in their health outcomes.
Global agencies demand deeper budget cuts in Australia
20 December 2016
An air of unreality hung over the government’s budget update because of the worldwide uncertainty in the wake of the election of Donald Trump as US president.
Papua New Guinea troops to protect huge Exxon-Mobil gas project
19 December 2016
The multi-million dollar gas project is run by ExxonMobil, whose ex-CEO Rex Tillerson has been nominated as the next US secretary of state.
Australia: Testimony details abuse in youth detention centres
17 December 2016
Royal commission evidence, including testimony by Dylan Voller, who was repeatedly assaulted, shows that youth detention abuses were the result of government policy.