Campaign Coverage, News & Analysis

Australian government exploits “Christmas terror plot”
24 December 2016
Although the circumstances of the police raids remain unclear, the political establishment and media are using the events to foment an atmosphere of crisis.

Australia: Sacked brewery workers return after union “productivity” deal
24 December 2016
The unions have repeatedly boasted of their role in boosting productivity and profitability at the CUB plant.

Pauline Hanson launches bids to join Australia’s political establishment
23 December 2016
Hanson’s political program is directed at supporting big business, while blaming immigrants, foreigners, welfare recipients and “the Chinese” for social devastation.

Trump’s election fuels foreign policy debate in Australia
22 December 2016
The disputes centre on the basic dilemma facing the ruling class: how to balance between China, Australia’s largest export market, and the US, its longstanding strategic partner.

Professor Marmot’s lectures in Australia chart extent of health inequality
21 December 2016
The lectures establish the connection between social inequality, the living and working conditions of the poor, and the deterioration in their health outcomes.

Global agencies demand deeper budget cuts in Australia
20 December 2016
An air of unreality hung over the government’s budget update because of the worldwide uncertainty in the wake of the election of Donald Trump as US president.

Australian politician jailed in bid to restore “confidence” in political establishment
19 December 2016
While the media commentary surrounding Eddie Obeid’s jailing has focused narrowly on “corruption,” the public disaffection and political instability go far deeper.

Australia: Testimony details abuse in youth detention centres
17 December 2016
Royal commission evidence, including testimony by Dylan Voller, who was repeatedly assaulted, shows that youth detention abuses were the result of government policy.

Corporate tax-dodging in Australia costs billions
16 December 2016
More than a third of the largest companies operating in Australia paid no tax in 2014-15 and multinational tax evasion cost an estimated $4.8 billion.

An exposure of high-stakes testing in Australia’s public schools
15 December 2016
Probing more deeply the causes of her daughter’s crippling anxiety during the last two years of school, Clark found a general consensus that “education is broken.”

Australian government threatens to jail “overpaid” welfare recipients
13 December 2016
Under the banner of “welfare fraud,” the government is seeking another pretext for gutting the entire welfare system.

Australia: Intense discussions about Trump victory at SEP meetings
13 December 2016
The strong response to the SEP meetings demonstrates a significant politicisation among new layers of workers and youth.

Workers and youth in Australia speak about US election and SEP program
13 December 2016
Those attending the SEP meetings voiced their concerns about Trump’s extreme-right political agenda and the social and political issues confronting workers in the US and internationally.

Australia: NSW Teachers Federation pushes through new agreement in anti-democratic meetings
9 December 2016
Socialist Equality Party supporters challenged the union’s refusal to circulate the deal before forcing teachers to vote on it.

Economic contraction intensifies pressure on Australian government
9 December 2016
The worst downturn since 2008 is part of a longer-term decline in Australia’s commodity export-dependent economy.

Australia: Industrial tribunal backs the sacking of striking German Creek miners
8 December 2016
A Fair Work Commission ruling, allowing Anglo American to dismiss workers involved in “protected” strike action, sets a dangerous precedent.

Inquest evidence shows Australian government was responsible for asylum seeker’s death
8 December 2016
The medical evidence makes clear that Hamid Kehazaei died as a direct consequence of the refugee detention regime imposed by successive Australian governments.

Australia: Thunderstorm-related deaths expose impact of health cuts
7 December 2016
Melbourne, a city of more than three million people, ran out of ambulances as thousands of people suffered potentially fatal thunderstorm-related asthma.

Australia: NSW Teachers Federation holds stop work meetings across the state
7 December 2016
The SEP calls all NSW public school teachers to demand that the full 2017–2019 Salaries and Conditions agreement be circulated well in advance of any vote.

Australia: Fair Work Commission backs mass sackings at Essential Energy
6 December 2016
The Electrical Trades Union handed the dispute over to the industrial tribunal and is wholly responsible for the outcome.

Australia: State Labor government moves to ban Esso strike
5 December 2016
The unions are working with the government and the industrial tribunal to prevent a stoppage by their members.

Australia: NSW Teachers Federation calls meetings to ram through government deal
5 December 2016
The union has called stop-work meetings on December 8, for 50,000 public school teachers to vote on an agreement that they have neither read nor discussed.

Millions of Australians living in recession
3 December 2016
An estimated 6.6 million people—28 percent of the population—are living in areas of outright economic decline.

Fifty years since the Aboriginal stockmen’s strike
3 December 2016
While Australia’s political elite hails the 1966 Wave Hill walkout strike, tens of thousands of Aboriginal people continue to live in dire poverty.

Australia’s Socialist Alternative agitates for escalation of US intervention in Syria
2 December 2016
Socialist Alternative’s commentary on Syria closely aligns with the most hawkish sections of the US military and intelligence apparatus.

Australia’s ABCC Bill: A far-reaching assault on workers’ rights
2 December 2016
The central purpose of the bill is to outlaw and suppress all strikes, stoppages and work bans by workers throughout the construction, transport and offshore oil and gas industries.

Australia: CIMIC Group’s takeover of UGL foreshadows more job cuts
1 December 2016
The acquisition will intensify years of job destruction and restructuring by the mining and engineering contractor.

Former Murdoch executive axes more jobs at Australian Broadcasting Corporation
30 November 2016
The job losses did not begin with the current Liberal-National government but with chronic underfunding that started with the Hawke-Keating Labor administrations three decades ago.

Australia: Mounting evidence of black lung cover-up
25 November 2016
Thousands of miners could be afflicted by the deadly disease as a result of the erosion of safety standards by the major companies, with government and union complicity.

Anxiety in Australian elite over Trump’s policies
25 November 2016
“America first” protectionism could lead to trade wars that would crash the global economy, with disastrous consequences for Australian capitalism.

Australian state government imprisons teenagers in adult jail
24 November 2016
The repressive response to a so-called riot in the Melbourne juvenile prison is the latest example of the brutality being inflicted on teenage prisoners in Australia.

Australia: IYSSE establishes student club at the University of Melbourne
24 November 2016
In 2017, the centenary year of the Russian Revolution, the IYSSE will wage a fight for Trotskyism in opposition to the pseudo-left politics that have dominated on campus.

Australia: Desperate refugee sets fire to himself in a bank
22 November 2016
Nur Islam, a young Rohingya man who fled Burma, was on a temporary bridging visa, which blocked basic social and political rights, including to work.

Australia: Pacific National axes more rail jobs
21 November 2016
The rail union is complicit in the widespread job-shedding and casualisation within the haulage sector.

Australian prime minister pushes Trump-style tax cuts
19 November 2016
Turnbull demanded “hard” economic and budgetary decisions that would “create winners and losers.”

Rising indicators of social distress in Australia
18 November 2016
A recent report points to a stark increase in rates of imprisonment and suicides.

Australia: National Party decimated in New South Wales by-election
18 November 2016
Last weekend’s ballot again revealed that masses of people are deeply alienated from, and hostile to, Australia’s two-party system.

Anglo American sacks workers amid strike at Australian mine
17 November 2016
The unions are isolating a three-month strike by 140 workers at the German Creek mine in Queensland, even as the company announces sackings.

Australia: NSW government re-introduces public school inspectors to enforce unpopular measures
17 November 2016
Inspectors will police standardised testing on behalf of the New South Wales government, with powers to close schools and dismiss “underperforming” teachers.

Australia: New South Wales government “bumps up” standardised testing in schools
16 November 2016
The new measures underscore the relationship between standardised testing schemes and the government’s cost-cutting agenda for public education.

The political causes and international implications of Trump’s election: A Marxist assessment
15 November 2016
These meetings will clarify the immense political questions raised by Trump’s victory. Who is responsible? What conclusions must be drawn?

Workers and young people in Australia and New Zealand concerned by US election result
15 November 2016
Many noted that Trump’s victory was a product of the deepening social crisis and a breakdown of American democracy.

Australian government unveils brutal refugee deal with the US
14 November 2016
On both sides of the Pacific, the world’s most vulnerable people will be denied the basic right to seek protection, while many will face permanent separation from their families.

Australian government mounts attack on Human Rights Commission
14 November 2016
The campaign is a cynical attempt to divert attention from the crisis within the government by launching a “freedom of speech” crusade against the Racial Discrimination Act.

Australian establishment concerns over future of US alliance under Trump
12 November 2016
A panicked Australian political establishment has rushed to accommodate to the election of Trump, while seeking to work out its implications.

Australian government pushes ahead with lifetime refugee ban
12 November 2016
The government remains determined to get the bill through the Senate despite widespread public opposition to its blatant violation of international law.

Australia: Residents denounce closure of Hazelwood power station
11 November 2016
The state Labor government and the unions are collaborating with management to axe the plant and destroy 1,000 jobs.

Australian foreign policy strategists discuss US-China nuclear war
10 November 2016
At a forum on “China’s rise,” former defence official Hugh White repeatedly warned of the danger of nuclear war.

Doctors demonstrate against Australian government’s refugee policies
10 November 2016
Protest organisers made futile appeals to the Turnbull government and Labor, the very agencies responsible for the escalating persecution of the asylum seekers.

Australia: Unions back cuts in working conditions at state broadcaster
9 November 2016
Union support for the new Australian Broadcasting Corporation enterprise agreement opens the way for even deeper attacks on jobs and conditions.

Australia: Rally against Shellharbour hospital privatisation
8 November 2016
The trade unions that organised the protest promoted the fraud that Labor would defend the hospital and public health care.

US election stokes deep concerns in Australian ruling circles
7 November 2016
Not only the “pivot to Asia,” but the whole framework of post-war alliances in Asia is being called into question.

Australian workers and young people discuss US election crisis
7 November 2016
Many spoke out against Trump and Clinton, who they correctly see as representatives of the banks and big business.

Australian government steps up assault on social welfare
5 November 2016
The measures are in response to growing demands by the financial elite for major cuts in social spending.

Dreamworld tragedy underscores unions’ role in undermining safety
5 November 2016
The unsafe working conditions now prevalent in every industry are the result of the collaboration of the trade unions with the decades-long drive by corporations to slash costs.

Australia: Hazelwood power station closure threatens thousands of jobs
4 November 2016
The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union is seeking to impose an “orderly closure” of the plant.

Australian government hit by legal challenges to two senators
4 November 2016
The turmoil produced by the bids to disqualify the senators has intensified the Turnbull government’s precariousness.

Australian government moves to bar entry to refugees for life
3 November 2016
Some of the most vulnerable people in the world, many fleeing the ravages of US-led wars, are bearing the brunt of a brazen repudiation of basic legal and democratic rights.

Australia: Police break up Sydney College of the Arts occupation
2 November 2016
The growing use of police against campus protests is bound up with the transformation of universities into for-profit entities reliant on corporate funds and with close ties to the state.

Indonesia and Australia discuss joint naval patrols in the South China Sea
2 November 2016
The naval operations would be anything but routine, given that the Indonesian navy has already clashed with Chinese fishing trawlers in the South China Sea.

Australian poultry firm Baiada to close Victorian plant
1 November 2016
The National Union of Workers is working with the company to try to enforce an “orderly closure” of the Laverton facility.

Australia: Widespread exploitation of backpackers and overseas labourers
31 October 2016
The report documented the slave-like conditions for overseas workers which flow directly from the 417 visa arrangements enforced by Labor and Liberal-National governments.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
29 October 2016
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Australia: Murdoch columnist blames young people for inability to purchase homes
29 October 2016
The article, though written in a satirical tone, is part of a campaign against the supposed lifestyle indulgences of the younger generation.

Major safety questions emerge after fatal accident at Australia's Dreamworld theme park
28 October 2016
Despite the many revelations that have emerged since the theme park disaster, Arden Leisure continues to insist that there was nothing wrong with its safety procedures.

Australia: Maitland residents oppose privatisation of regional hospital
28 October 2016
The protest was another attempt by the unions to divert mounting anger over the attacks on public health into appeals to the government and the promotion of illusions in Labor.

Queensland university case shows divisive agenda behind Australian “racial discrimination” law
28 October 2016
As universities have suffered punishing cuts, there has been a growth of facilities reserved for particular groups of students, defined in terms of race, gender or sexual preference.

US “pivot to Asia” in disarray
26 October 2016
Far from making a retreat, Washington’s response to its setbacks will be to escalate its diplomatic intrigues and military provocations in the Asia Pacific.

Report signals renewed US pressure on Australia to line up against China
24 October 2016
The US Studies Centre document examines risks to the US-Australia alliance, raising concerns, in particular, about the lack of public support for the US military build-up in Asia.

Public rifts erupt in Australian government
22 October 2016
The internal warfare wracking the Liberal-National Coalition cannot be explained by a dispute over gun laws.

Australia: Five workers killed in industrial incidents within a week
19 October 2016
Five workers died within seven days, pointing to increasingly unsafe conditions in the construction and transport industries.

Australia: Large protest against Wyong hospital privatisation
19 October 2016
Unions New South Wales is seeking to channel widespread opposition to the attacks on healthcare behind the Labor Party.

UN committee condemns Australia’s Nauru refugee camp
19 October 2016
The Committee on the Rights of the Child described the treatment of children in the Australian-controlled detention centre as “inhumane and degrading.”

Amnesty report: Australian government running torture detention on Nauru
18 October 2016
Efforts by Australian politicians to sell their detention model have helped create the conditions where governments around the world are regularly in breach of international law.

Report details widespread and rising poverty in Australia
18 October 2016
The growth of poverty is a direct result of the policies implemented by successive governments, Liberal-National and Labor alike.

Australian government hails New Zealand’s brutal welfare system
17 October 2016
Australia’s government is seeking to emulate policies that have pushed tens of thousands of people off welfare.

Australian IYSSE holds Inaugural General Meeting at the University of Melbourne
15 October 2016
The meeting was the culmination of a two-and-a-half year fight to establish an IYSSE club at the university.

Australian government seeks to gag top legal official
15 October 2016
By silencing the solicitor-general, the government is seeking to free itself of any constitutional or legal constraint.

Healthcare costs a growing barrier to treatment for Australians
15 October 2016
Almost half those suffering some chronic health conditions are skipping treatment because of “out of pocket” costs.

Australia: Arrest of two boys used to ramp up terrorism scare campaign
14 October 2016
Broadcasting vague and unsubstantiated police accusations has been taken to new depths with prejudicial allegations against two 16-year-olds.

Australian tax department seeks to fast-track sackings
13 October 2016
The changes are part of a sweeping overhaul of wages and conditions that the Liberal-National government is attempting to impose across the public service.

US seals military basing deal with Australia
10 October 2016
The cost-sharing pact will mean billions of dollars being spent on upgrading facilities across Australia for the US military.

Australian Labor Party restates call for military challenge to China
8 October 2016
Labor’s statements indicate frustration within the US and Australian establishments over the Turnbull government’s refusal to order an operation in the South China Sea.

Australian union imposes 10 percent pay cut on steelworkers
8 October 2016
The Australian Workers Union is playing the central role in the destruction of the jobs, wages and conditions of steelworkers.

Australian politicians hold sham hearings on banks’ “unethical behaviour”
8 October 2016
Thousands of working class people, retirees, small business owners and family farmers have been ruined by the banks.

Ford Australia’s closure demonstrates need for a global auto workers’ strategy
6 October 2016
Ford’s shutdown of its Australian production tomorrow is one of the final nails in the coffin of an entire industry, at the hands of the transnational auto companies.

Australia: Dean of arts college quits amid student protests
4 October 2016
The moves to close Sydney College of Arts are one expression of a broader assault on the social rights to education and culture.

Australia: Strike continues at Anglo American’s German Creek coal mine
3 October 2016
The union continues to isolate a dispute by 140 mine workers at Anglo American’s German Creek coal mine even as the company moves to recruit strike-breakers.

Australian state government to privatise five hospitals
1 October 2016
The plan will set a model for the wholesale handover of health care to profit-making corporate operators.

Infrastructure breakdown plunges Australian state into darkness
30 September 2016
Power went out across South Australia, cutting off electricity to 900,000 homes and throwing the state into chaos.

Australia: Immigration employees take industrial action in public sector dispute
30 September 2016
The limited stoppages are a continuation of the union’s attempts to isolate public sector workers and prevent a unified political and industrial fight against the government’s attacks.

Ex-Australian Labor minister calls for deregulation of university fees
29 September 2016
Dawkins appealed for Labor and the Coalition government to develop a bipartisan policy to further slash education spending and deny access to working class youth.

Anti-China witch-hunt targets former Australian foreign minister
28 September 2016
The attack on Carr, an establishment figure with strong ties in Washington, is a sign that nothing less than full support for the US war drive against China will be tolerated.

International court dismisses Australian challenge over Timor Sea border dispute
28 September 2016
The judgement marks another exposure of Canberra’s contempt for international law and its rank hypocrisy over the resolution of maritime disputes.

Australian government claims refugee policy “best in the world”
26 September 2016
At the UN summit, Prime Minister Turnbull urged countries to adopt Australia’s “border protection” regime.

Australian brewery still operating as unions isolate sacked workers
24 September 2016
The trade unions have opposed any unified industrial and political action to win reinstatement of the Carlton & United Breweries maintenance workers.

Australia: Thousands more jobs being destroyed
24 September 2016
Better-paying jobs are being eliminated throughout mining-related and manufacturing industries.

Australian aircraft involved in provocative US-led airstrike in Syria
22 September 2016
Canberra is so enmeshed in Washington’s proxy war in the Middle East that it could find itself on the frontline of a conflict with Russia.

Australia: Socialist Alternative conference promotes racial politics and the unions
22 September 2016
The pseudo-left SAlt pushes various forms of identity politics, to cut across and suppress growing opposition to social inequality, the escalating assault on democratic rights, and war.

More than a million Australians live in poor housing
21 September 2016
Many families live in precarious conditions and their children are more likely to have long-term health issues.