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O.G. internet journalist 🚀 📻TV/radio talker 📺 xeni@xeni.net 💃breast cancer survivor since 2011🎙 TV10 🗣"SHEH-nee zhar-DEN"

where data flows

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  1. 釘選的推文

    Hey remember when Trump mocked the women he sexually assaulted or raped as being too ugly to be raped? I think about it every day.

  2. "So right now everybody in this room has to like me—at least a little bit," said Trump to tech leaders today

  3. Seeing your shared shock, fear, disgust, grief, and outrage helps me so much. I know I'm not alone in those persistent feels. Thank you.

  4. "And my assets will be placed in a blind trust operated by my children, some of whom are seated as far as 6 or 7 spots away from me."

  5. This is interesting: HuffPo on Act for America email, bragging abou influence in Trump White House via

  6. I do, too. And thought about the families today, with a president-elect who cozies up to SH denier Alex Jones. Horror show.

  7. I was watching that all day today for my book. Made me sick to my stomach.

  8. Hey remember when Trump mocked the women he sexually assaulted or raped as being too ugly to be raped? I think about it every day.

  9. Twitter was bumped from the Trump tech meeting because the room already had too many characters.

  10. Well-designed web-based documentary about co-living

  11. Children are our future. Clean burning. Renewable. Children.

  12. In Russia, the Kremlin rarely has to make the call to media organizations. The media bosses anticipate and do the censoring themselves.

  13. the way it was explained to me was that they were already having problems with the Trump administration.

  14. Boy politico will look dumb if her tweet is one day found to be accurate.

  15. One man reads "The Night Before Christmas” in the voice of 27 celebrities

  16. Nothing matters. I believe even if Trump were doing exactly what tweeted America would be totally fine with it.

  17. So about Ivanka Trump getting the First Lady's office in the White House. (a) It's creepy. (b) She's besties with Putin's girlfriend.

  18. Stakes raised: per , US intel officials now believe Putin "personally involved" in election hack, directed how info was leaked/used

  19. MX Foreign Minister denies ANY contact w/Trump Transition; yet, she visited Heritage today & Trump's DHS landing member J.Carafano was there

  20. Ok this is really scary. Zero transparency, zero accountability.


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