Xeni JardinTài khoản được xác nhận


O.G. internet journalist 🚀 📻TV/radio talker 📺 xeni@xeni.net 💃breast cancer survivor since 2011🎙 TV10 🗣"SHEH-nee zhar-DEN"

where data flows
Đã tham gia tháng 7 năm 2006

@xeni bị chặn

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  1. Tweet đã ghim

    ::opens Twitter::

  2. Saturn's hexagonal pole storm revealed in new Cassini probe shots

  3. ::opens Twitter::

  4. apple: holy shit! google: oh no! samsung: O proud death, What feast is toward in thine eternal cell

  5. thoughts and prayers for the "person of the year" cover photoshop person, that had one hell of a night making trump's face white

  6. Just a reminder this was like six weeks ago

  7. when goons bring you to the villains mansion and he explains his plan while staring at the fire and then turns around revealing his identity

  8. Oh fuck TIME. Who cares.

  9. Says Russia didn't hack US... puts possible blame on "some guy in New Jersey."

  10. “Trump TV” will be in the White House press briefings

  11. It's official: US policy in Syria failed

  12. "While we have made it much more difficult to carry out an attack approaching the scale of 9/11, we face a threat that will endure"-

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