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Farra Fanka
You..inspire me ( Hangouts please šŸ˜Š )
You..inspire me ( Hangouts please šŸ˜Š )

Rindu nak kama dikatokan
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Sehubungan dg akan ditutupnya G+..
Saya mengucapkan bnyk terimakasih utk teman G&CLI yg telah menyempatkan membaca, memberi komen dan plus pd postingan2 saya bahkan menambahkan saya di circle kalian..senang rasanya sempat menjadi bagian G+ dan ketemu kalian disini..

You are all awesome and see you later ..šŸ˜‰šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

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When I run after what I think I want,_my days are furnace of stress and anxiety
If I sit on my own of patience,_what I need flows to me and without the pain
From this I understand that what I want also wants me is looking for me and attracting me
There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it

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Happy nice weekend coffeelovers..ā˜ŗ
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...and when you become a diamond you'll see why life had to pressure you..

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The relationship between coffee and writer is just like the couple who always standby and feel proud of being committed to each other

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Mau miara kucing ahh..trus dikasih nama Bisnis
Jadi klo ada yg nanya lagi sibuk apa? Tinggal bilang ajah : lagi sibuk ngurusin Bisnis

Pa kabar teman2 ? Baik baik aja kan ?

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Happy nice weekend coffeelovers šŸ˜‰
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learn how to be grateful even from a child

Good day, guys ..šŸ˜‰
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If it matters to you
You'll find a way
Don't give up
Keep walking
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