- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 2909
International Business Machines Corporation (commonly referred to as IBM) is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation, with corporate headquarters in Armonk, New York. IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware, middleware and software, and offers infrastructure, hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.
The company originated in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) through the consolidation of The Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company, the Computing Scale Company and the Bundy Manufacturing Company. CTR was renamed "International Business Machines" in 1924, a name which Thomas J. Watson first used for a CTR Canadian subsidiary. The initialism IBM followed. Securities analysts nicknamed the company Big Blue for its size and common use of the color in products, packaging and its logo.
In 2012, Fortune ranked IBM the second largest U.S. firm in terms of number of employees (435,000 worldwide), the fourth largest in terms of market capitalization, the ninth most profitable, and the nineteenth largest firm in terms of revenue. Globally, the company was ranked the 31st largest in terms of revenue by Forbes for 2011. Other rankings for 2011/2012 include №1 company for leaders (Fortune), №1 green company in the United States (Newsweek), №2 best global brand (Interbrand), №2 most respected company (Barron's), №5 most admired company (Fortune), and №18 most innovative company (Fast Company).
Makarov histórias : A história da IBM
Jazz Reporting Service: Export Report Builder results to IBM Watson Analytics (Tech Preview feature)
Timelapse video of IBM Watson headquarters in New York City
Morgan | IBM Creates First Movie Trailer by AI [HD] | 20th Century FOX
Explore our 360 Video of the IBM Research Quantum Lab
How It Works: Design Thinking
Utilize IBM's Monitoring and Analytics solution to ensure a successful IIB and MQ deployment.
IBM Intelligent Video Analytics Overview
Stephen King + IBM Watson on Storytelling
Was ist der IBM Watson?
Actors: Kari Väänänen (director), Helge Herala (actor), Matti Pellonpää (actor), Eeva-Maija Haukinen (actress), Vesa Vierikko (actor), Martti Pennanen (actor), Marja Korhonen (actress), Heikki Määttänen (actor), Markku Peltola (actor), Heikki Vuento (writer), Ismo Alanko (composer), Eriikka Magnusson (actress), Kari Paukkunen (producer), Heikki Vuento (actor), Mikko Nousiainen (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Hoje vimos um pouco sobre esse gigante chamado ibm, abaixo estão os links para quem quiser aprender mais sobre a empresa Colaboração Felipe Felicetti Como funciona o whatson http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/br/industry/library/ind-watson/ Page do canal https://www.facebook.com/MakarovTecnologia IBM thinkpad https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThinkPad Site da IBM, aqui você encontra os produtos e um pouco sobre a história dela http://www.ibm.com/br/pt/ Crédits IBM https://www.youtube.com/user/IBM/videos Lazy Game Reviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfvGS7qJr4M polyomino https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZP8lh18BBr3xvD-61fECtA Terry Stewart https://www.youtube.com/user/tezzaNZ
As part of a Technology Preview feature in the Report Builder component of Jazz Reporting Service, you can export your Report Builder report results to IBM Watson Analytics to apply cognitive analytics to your Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) business and engineering data. Discover and explore patterns in your data that aren’t obvious; uncover predictive outcomes in the plan, development, and test phases of your project; and confirm expected results, for example, that your team’s development and test activities are target the most common system topologies. For more info information, see theIBM Watson Analytics YouTube video channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/watsonanalytics/videos IBM Knowledge Center topic: Exporting Report Builder report results to IBM Watson An...
================================================ Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/BusinessComputingTV Website: http://www.businesscomputingworld.co.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/bcwuk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bcw Newsletter: http://mad.ly/signups/64349/join/ App Store: http://www.businesscomputingworld.co.uk/apps/ ================================================
Scientists at IBM Research have collaborated with 20th Century Fox to create the first-ever cognitive movie trailer for the movie Morgan. Utilizing experimental Watson APIs and machine learning techniques, the IBM Research system analyzed hundreds of horror/thriller movie trailers. After learning what keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, the AI system suggested the top 10 best candidate moments for a trailer from the movie Morgan, which an IBM filmmaker then edited and arranged together. Learn More: http://ibm.biz/BdrJx9 A corporate troubleshooter (Kate Mara) is sent to a remote, top-secret location, where she is to investigate and evaluate a terrifying accident. She learns the event was triggered by a seemingly innocent “human,” who presents a mystery of both infinite promise a...
A 360 video of the IBM Quantum Lab at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y. Inside, IBM scientists are researching and building a practical quantum computer, which when built, will be one of the greatest milestones in the history of information technology. Inspired by nature and the laws of quantum mechanics, IBM believes quantum computing is the future of computing and has the potential to solve challenges that are out of reach of today’s classical computers. On May 4, 2016, IBM Research announced that for the first time ever it is making quantum computing available to the public, providing access to a quantum computing platform from any desktop or mobile device via the cloud. Users of the IBM Quantum Experience can create algorithms and run experiments on an IBM ...
Trying to solve a problem or find better ways of getting work done? Get familiar with IBM Design Thinking and Agile. For more information on IBM Design Thinking, please visit: http://www.ibm.com/design IBMers -- learn more about Security Intelligence on Think Academy (internal site): https://ibm.biz/IBMThinkAcademy
How can you utilize IBM's Monitoring and Analytics solution to ensure a successful IIB and MQ deployment with Larry, Hani and @j0nnymac This is a live event so tweet any questions to #ibmmessaging For more information check out: Netcool Operations Insight Wiki on IBM Developer Works - http://ibm.co/1NGrqny IBM ISMConnect Channel on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/ismconnect/videos
Turn video images into public safety insights. IBM Intelligent Video Analytics cuts through the vast linear process of video monitoring by converting video images to data – data that can be filtered and analyzed - delivering insight into what is happening on both live and recorded video. By focusing attention on real-time events of interest and reducing forensic search times from weeks to hours or even minutes, IBM Intelligent Video Analytics makes video a far more effective tool for public safety and law enforcement. This video provides an overview of the solution. Learn more about IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: https://www.ibm.com/marketplace/cloud/video-analytics-for-security/ Learn more about Law Enforcement Solutions: http://ibm.co/crimeinvestigation Learn more about Emergency Ma...
Stephen King and IBM Watson discuss connecting with an audience through storytelling. IBM Watson’s cognitive APIs can help businesses better connect with their audiences too. IBM Watson helps us outthink the limits of communication. Learn more at: http://ibm.co/2c2w82i Subscribe to the IBM YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ibm Learn More about IBM Watson: https://www.youtube.com/user/IBMWatsonSolutions https://www.facebook.com/ibmwatson/ https://www.twitter.com/ibmwatson https://www.linkedin.com/company/ibm-watson
Kostenlos abonnieren: http://bit.ly/11WrLeM Der IBM Watson ist ein interessantes Ding. Aber ist er auch die Zukunft? Was meint ihr? IBM eigene Erklärungen: http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/what-is-watson.html Künstliche Intelligenz: http://www.zeit.de/zeit-wissen/2015/02/kuenstliche-intelligenz-cognitive-computing-cogs http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/die-digital-debatte/ibm-supercomputer-muessen-wir-angst-vor-watson-haben-13008069.html https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_(K%C3%BCnstliche_Intelligenz) Watson: http://www.cio.de/a/was-waere-wenn-ibm-watson-und-sap-hana,2941310 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_(computer) Watson als Cyberkriminalist: https://www.wired.com/2016/05/ibm-watson-cybercrime/ http://www.zdnet.de/88268938/ibm-watson-wird-zum-si...
ibm software
ibm software
Watson at work: IBM CEO Ginni Rometty talks cognitive technology, partnerships with Under Armour, Medtronic, and SoftBank, and how Watson is changing everything. Subscribe to the IBM YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/1UXBIlJ Welcome to the #CognitiveEra: https://www.youtube.com/IBM https://www.google.com/+IBM https://www.facebook.com/IBM https://www.twitter.com/ibm https://www.linkedin.com/company/ibm
I remember so well, the day that you came into my life
you asked for my name
you had the most beautiful smile
my life started to change
i wake up each day, feeling alright
with you right by my side
makes me feel things will work out just fine
how did you know
i needed someone like you in my life
that there's an empty space in my heart
you came at the right time in my life
i'll never forget, how you brought the sun to shine in my life
and took all the worries
and fears that i have
I guess what i'm really trying to say
i'ts not every day that someone like you comes my way
no words can exprees howmuch