Regional News

  1. Mosul could take months

    The battle for the Iraqi city of Mosul could take two more months, the commander of the US-led coalition says.

  2. Timetable for Brexit

    British politicians vote by 461 to 89 to back the Government's plan to begin divorce talks with the European Union by the end of March next year.

  3. Antonov offers Trump plane

    The Ukrainian producer of the world's largest aircraft offers to build Air Force One for Donald Trump.

  1. Pakistan plane crash

    There are no survivors after a plane carrying 47 people crashed into a mountain in northern Pakistan, the airline's chairman says.

  2. Thailand investigates BBC

    Thailand's Defence Minister says authorities will investigate the BBC on suspicion of insulting the monarchy.

  3. Annan urges ethnic reconciliation in Myanmar

    Former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan urges Myanmar's army to respect the rights of the Muslim Rohingya minority.

  1. Australian economy shrinks

    Australia's economy shrinks 0.5 per cent in the September quarter, well below already pessimistic analyst forecasts and its worst decline since the global financial crisis.

  2. 7-Eleven and Fair Work deal

    The workplace regulator signs a landmark deal with convenience store chain 7-Eleven to combat exploitation of workers by franchisees through measures including biometric technology and CCTV supervision.

  3. Shonky product recall revamp

    The maximum fines for retailers who sell unsafe products could be 10 times as high, according to suggestions from the Productivity Commission.

  4. Adani faces more legal hurdles

    Traditional owners are set to launch further legal action against Adani's proposed Carmichael coal mine in central Queensland, arguing it impinges on native title rights.

  1. Tomic says he and Kyrgios unfairly targeted by media

    Bernard Tomic says he and Nick Kyrgios are misunderstood and have been unfairly targeted by the media.

  2. Cummins not ready for Test recall, says Waugh

    Australian selector Mark Waugh indicates he will resist the temptation to rush star quick Pat Cummins back for the first Test against Pakistan at the Gabba.

  1. Retiree too sad to celebrate brings Christmas joy to others

    A Darwin man who has lost nearly all of his family at different times around Christmas turns "a very sad time of year" into festive lunches for thousands of people in need.

  2. 'A surreal day': SA gets register for same-sex relationships

    The establishment of a same-sex couples register in South Australia is welcomed by a man who experienced the grief of not being recognised as next-of-kin when his partner died during their honeymoon.

  3. Indigenous graduate sets up award to encourage high school students

    After almost dropping out of school in year 10, Indigenous student Joseph Bin Omar returns to his high school to establish an award to encouraging other Aboriginal students to pursue education.

  1. Asthma management crisis

    Too much chronic asthma is being missed or undertreated, fuelling events like Melbourne's thunderstorm asthma tragedy.

  2. Tips for stress

    The lead-up to Christmas brings plenty of stress and busyness that can overwhelm us. Here are some tips to help you embrace the chaos.

  3. Moonshine deaths rock town

    A community in NSW has been in shock since three of its Indigenous members died after drinking poisonous moonshine last year.

  1. Time running out to wipe out ant

    There is "only a small window of opportunity left" to wipe out the red fire ant, according to a report obtained by the ABC.

  2. GPS tracking of cattle station staff

    Cattle stations are trialling GPS tracking of remote staff

  3. Regional WA women

    Kununurra's Kalyn Fletcher is recognised as a woman "on the rise", by Business Women Australia.